301. Editorial Note

According to State–FOA telegram 547 to Vientiane, June 15, the Legation was authorized to inform the Lao Government that the United States accepted $40 million as a planning figure for Lao military support. Of the $40 million, $30 million would be obligated prior to June 30 (the end of the fiscal year) and the remaining $10 million would be assured by the relevant Washington agencies either from a carry over of FY 1955 funds or by other means. (Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5–MSP/6–1255)

The Lao Government accepted these terms on June 28 with minor reservations and the Legation considered this as constituting official acceptance. (Telegram 821 from Vientiane, June 28; ibid., 751J.5–MSP/6–2855)

The final texts of the defense support note, July 6, in both French and English, and the Lao reply, July 8, with an English translation, are contained in despatch 7 from Vientiane, July 14. (Ibid., 751J.5–MSP/7–1455)