22. Telegram From the Delegation at the SEATO Council Meeting to the Department of State1

Secto 21. Continuing morning session February 24, Agenda item 4.2

Opening discussion Eden said he hoped paper3 would be adopted and that military advisers would meet today particularly to begin work on item 2–C covering rules procedure and organizational arrangements for military advisers. Bonnet suggested that prior adoption paper should be referred military advisers for consideration and recommendations.

Secretary pointed out paper in hands governments many weeks and any move reopen for general reconsideration would be most unconstructive. He favored approval paper after which military advisers would have authority meet and start work.

Bonnet explained French desire reword items 3a–d. French agreed to compromise, changing first sentence paragraph 3 MP (C)(55) D–2 by adding “in their discretion include among other things” after the words “advisers might”, first word of 3f changed from “exploration” to “consideration”. With these changes paper adopted.

Military representatives then met. Defense will pass message to you.4

Agenda item 5.5 MP(C)(55) D–36 unanimously approved without change. Australia stated principal threat was to Associated States and suggested that carrying out activities foreseen in this paper should be undertaken where most needed. He stated that Australia recognized most activity would be on bilateral basis. France and Thailand offered comments same vein. Prince Wan pointed out [Page 49] police officers Cambodia, Laos being trained Thailand. In reply to Australian comment on need to put paper into practice in Associated States, Secretary said no single answer to question; proposed some problems could best be handled through diplomatic channels while others need different treatment. We recognize need for study these problems and would be willing designate security officer confer with other experts this field. Philippine delegate favored such meeting. British delegate warned against attempting formalize any approach this problem. End Agenda item 5.

Begin Agenda item 6.7 Pakistan introduced proposal for standing high-level economic body (text sent separately8), suggested meeting place could be rotated and invited group meet first at Karachi at early date.

France warned against lack of attention to what presently being done via Colombo and added plans. Suggested need of coordination within treaty framework of ECAFE, Colombo Plan and US aid but stated his government had envisioned something more modest than Pakistan proposal. They had in mind group at Bangkok work with Council representatives that would follow up work Council for area. Such group would study general problems area, especially Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand and would coordinate multilateral assistance programs within framework of Colombo, ECAFE.

Australian Minister pointed out such methods dealing with economic matters—bilateral or formation of a pool of requirements and means meeting requirements. Stated pool suggestion was rejected early by Colombo Plan members, stated must look first to most threatened area—Associated States, Thailand. Should permit Colombo Plan continue seek meet needs of area. Pointed out Pakistan Plan would be enormous task and that most countries in area know what their needs are. Necessity for inquiry into needs might exist Associated States but the French capable of handling this. Suggested cut down Pakistan proposal to size.

Governor Stassen stated we recognize general needs of area and take into account those special economic needs arising from defense treaty. He stated our Congress has classified aid into three categories with respect problems arising out of defense considerations:

Direct forces support
Defense support

He stated that economic developments and success were related to a much broader area and included other countries in the area not [Page 50] presently members of treaty. He explained relationship economic welfare all countries area and stated that all were of concern to US. Pointed out that with respect those countries in which no specific defense arrangements had been made, this broader aid was provided as:

Development assistance
Technical cooperation

He cited European examples this arrangement. He said US has and will confer (on bilateral basis) with respect to economic problems rising from military considerations under treaty. He, however, called attention to broad problem economic development shared by all countries of area and stated that broad economic cooperation this problem might be considered within framework of Colombo Plan or other plans which might be developed in future years. He stated US was prepared enter into discussions this subject.

Chairman adjourned the meeting for continued discussion this agenda item Friday morning session.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–BA/2–2455. Confidential. Repeated to Manila, Saigon, Karachi, Djakarta, London, Paris, Rangoon, Wellington, Canberra, Singapore, New Delhi, Vientiane, and Phnom Penh.
  2. This item concerned the appointment of Military Advisers and arrangements for consultation in regard to military planning.
  3. Reference is to Document 17.
  4. See Document 24.
  5. As Item 5 the Council took up possible steps to implement Article II of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty.
  6. Entitled “Activities That Could Be Undertaken Under the Manila Pact To Combat Communist Subversion”, dated February 23. This paper reads in part:

    “General Approach to the Problem of Mutual Assistance: Much of the assistance that may be provided by the Governments of the Treaty members to meet Communist subversion will have to be planned and carried out mainly by the governments directly concerned.” (Enclosure to covering memorandum from the Working Group to the Secretary General of the meeting; Department of State, FE Files: Lot 56 D 679, Bangkok Conference—Agenda)

  7. This item called for an exchange of views on economic matters.
  8. In Secto 17 from Bangkok, February 24, not printed. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 427)