140. Telegram From the Delegation at the SEATO Council Meeting to the Department of State1

Secto 6. Afternoon session first day SEATO conference.2

[Page 307]

Discussion devoted to item IV: Exchange of views on matters affecting area. Secretary led off discussion saying: There come times when nations must live by faith. Last year has shown our faith justified through:

Developments within USSR where Khrushchev’s speech before twentieth congress showed there was within USSR urge on part of human beings to achieve situation impossible of achievement under Stalinist regime. Secretary observed Khrushchev speech most devastating critique of Stalinist-type state that has been made and its effect on Communist Party, pseudo-Communist and left-wing parties was tremendous. Some increased freedoms granted following this event including freedom of movement for labor. However, the more liberties given the more demanded. USSR thus appears vacillating at moment between granting more liberties and revival Stalinist police policies. Nevertheless, despotism of USSR not nearly as solid in its strength as would appear;
Events among satellites as illustrated in Poland indicate course of Communism will collapse and that our course is the right one. This is encouraging side of picture;
Sordid developments and brutality of Soviet repression in Hungary depict other depressing side;
Communist activities in Near East which give concern. Historical aspiration of Russia to dominate area currently manifest in Soviet attempts to prevent solution of problems whenever about to be reached. By supply of arms and through propaganda programs, Soviets play mischievous role in Mid-East.

Complete unity of Soviet and ChiCom policy apparent in past six months. Here, Secretary indicated wish to talk tomorrow on US policy toward Communist China.

Congressional action approving President’s recommendation for Middle East closes gap that existed in area. Except for India and some less significant areas, no longer any area surrounding USSR and China which can be attacked without danger of counterattack from the US. Thus deterrent power inherent in our very great striking capacity is brought to bear for defense of virtually all free world.

Pledges embodied in SEATO treaty have enhanced security all members. SEATO members should understand US executive normally not clothed with power to use armed forces of US to protect others interests and direct interests of US itself unless previous determination by Congress recognizes welfare, independence, and integrity of other countries are so vital to US we are justified in using our armed forces for their defense. In this case, there is that determination. Therefore, potential enemy can always know we are in position to act immediately and can make military planning on the assumption that we can and will act immediately. That is something we sometimes tend to forget but it is the heart of the SEATO treaty.

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US deployment naval strength in SEATO area numerically unchanged but far superior in fire power now in comparison last year. Admiral Stump has in his command US military force more effective than any before assembled in Pacific. Although some critics claim membership SEATO involves liabilities we observe more concern in India, Burma, and Indonesia over Communist efforts to subvert peoples than among SEATO members. SEATO shield far better than neutrality in providing sense of security.

Secretary referred to Prime Minister Menzies reference to special value of friendship and fellowship developed with SEATO. This asset cannot be measured in terms of dollars and cents but provides a reservoir of infinite value. The greatest asset a country can have—friendship more important than military, cultural or economic benefits.

Secretary said there are those who questioned why they should join the pact when US helps non-members as well as members, and observed we shall not restrict assistance exclusively to members since we believe by helping non-members in certain cases we are helping develop security for all SEATO members.

Lord Home, second speaker in afternoon, paid tribute Secretary’s words of great encouragement. Source of great satisfaction that power of US behind free nations and will always be used to high purpose. Agreed with Secretary on evaluation developments USSR and commented Soviet leadership sitting on rumbling volcano. Dissatisfaction of Soviet youth gives cause for hope which must be tempered by recognition Russia has always been dictatorship. Therefore we must not relax guard.

We should lack statesmanship if we neglect any opportunity to secure genuine easing tensions, but must be aware Communist smile is on face of tiger. International Communism sees nothing incongruous in exhibiting most brutal characteristics in Hungary while continuing court favor in Cambodia.

Neutrals generally alive to dangerous Communist intrigue, but understanding of nature of threat in some cases remains limited. There is not enough awareness of fact that Chinese offers of friendship and economic assistance and the internal Communist danger, of which many governments in area show some awareness, cannot safely be regarded as two entirely unrelated matters.

Lord Home saw grounds for modest satisfaction in recovery of confidence and morale in South Vietnam, in contrast with uneasy situation in the North. He pointed to great disillusionment in Burma with various barter agreements which government concluded with Communist bloc with result Burmese seeking to limit commitments under these agreements. He noted seeming precarious situation in Indonesia and anxiety created there. In Laos he saw no cause for grave [Page 309] alarm, but abundant reason to remain alertly on guard during long-term struggle.

Past year encouraging for UK both in Malaya and Singapore as areas for whose international relations HMG responsible. In Malaya constitutional commission completed its work which Home hopes acceptable. Chief Minister Rahman in London displayed full awareness Communist danger in SEATO area and elsewhere. Question whether independence Malaya will join SEATO one to which answer cannot be given now. Would be both imprudent and unwise seek to exert undue pressure on Malaya and HMG has no intention doing so. However, Australia and New Zealand could well inform Malaya advantages joining SEATO.

Stated UK troops will remain Malaya and placed at disposal Malayan Government for anti-terrorist operations.

As regards Singapore Lord Home said HMG had enough experience with statesmanship and realism Lim Yew Yock to have high hopes for satisfactory conclusion constitutional conference opening London today. While HMG determined go ahead far and fast as possible to meet legitimate aspirations people of Singapore, there no question relinquishing responsibilities in manner which could lead to transformation of island into spearhead and outpost Chinese Communism.

Home noted HMG review of defense commitments stressing that strong defensive effort needs strong economy back of it. Pointed out inability UK meet increasingly expensive military costs. Hoped solution attainable through reduction manpower and increased effectiveness modern weapons—less administrative tail and more teeth. Best UK official contribution in limited war would be Far East air force reinforced by V bombers and carrier aircraft with nuclear capability carrying much increased striking power. UK remains firmly convinced need for cooperation in military field with all SEATO allied and indeed with all nations in area willing to cooperate.

Thai spokesman Rak Panyarachun treated at length Thailand’s relations with neighbors. Discussing Burma, said behind facade “free economic aid without strings,” USSR has successfully laid good ground for stepping up subversive activities in Burma while ChiComs also active there. Thais striving for better understanding aid friendship with Burma note urgent need for more effective measures to counter Communist propaganda and expose Communist falsehood in Burma. While Communist treat operations under cloak congenial and generous patronage in Burma, they have made overt progress in Cambodia by using same opening tactic of rendering “free economic aid” supposedly without strings.

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In Laos, political situation deteriorated during past year while Communist succeeded gaining foothold in RLG by cleverly taking advantage desire people of Laos for unification and peace.

While in neighboring countries situation not encouraging, Vietnam presents picture brilliant contrast. Political situation Vietnam stabilized within year and relations with Thailand leave nothing to be desired.

Close cooperation with Malayan Federation in campaign against Communist terrorist in border regions continued throughout year.

Spokesman stated political situation Thailand can definitely be stated stable. Thailand will continue firm supporter UN and SEATO. Left-wing critics of SEATO represent only small section population. This form Communist subversion recognized as potential and dangerous threat to internal security.

Philippines spokesman Garcia identified primary objective SEATO establishment collective defense system against overt or covert aggression, subversion and infiltration. Declared all actions disturbing world peace may be attributed to Communist machinations or propaganda. Identified second great objective of SEATO charter to raise economic standards members. Then stated up to now “we have not frontally attacked important economic problems im member countries, solution of which may lead to economic strengthening of countries and collective economic sufficiency of area. Such problems as convertible currency, industrialization, producing marketing and credit cooperatives have not been approached frankly and it about time they be met squarely under leadership of US.” Garcia saw crying need for increased trade among members; more technical and financial aid for defense projects with priority given SEATO members over neutralists; contributions to SEATO apportioned on ability to pay; establishment SEATO defense college; separate technical and financial aid to SEATO countries to counter subversion; creation SEATO labor office and creation body in Bangkok to coordinate all counter–subversive activities; functions which may be exercised by Secretary General if and when established. Concluded by thanking US for aid constantly received and UK for Colombo Plan also Australia for “twilight aid”.

Pakistani spokesman, Amjad Ali, said his country shocked by Soviet suppression Hungarian peoples and believes events in USSR last year show time on side free nations. GOP took earliest opportunity in UN help Hungary by urging self-determination and UN force which would permit people to express choice through free elections.

Pakistan under pressure from USSR because membership SEATO and Baghdad Pact.

Pakistani concerned over Soviet overtures to Afghanistan in form road building, arms deliveries and subversion Afghan tribes. [Page 311] GOA unhappily somewhat complacent. Pakistani further disturbed by seeming Afghan indifference when Afghan Prime Minister3 invited visit Pakistan.

Pakistan intent developing trade with Burma and sees need direct shipping service to supplement only available direct service now by Yugoslav ships. Pakistan view Burmese neutralism as non-aggressive type in contrast India. Spokesman thanked SEATO members for support their countries gave Pakistan in Security Council on Kashmir debate. Only solution is granting right of self-determination. Attitude India not conducive to settlement problem. GOP looks to SEATO members to support right of Kashmir people to self-determination.

In contrast to non-aggressive neutralism practiced by Burma, aggressive neutralists try to wean member states from security organizations. Therein lies danger. When two forces (Communists and aggressive neutrals) work toward same objective some countries find difficult to perceive where their welfare lies. SEATO Council should consider this grave threat.

Pakistan spokesman then embarked subtle criticism US “understanding” on interpretation of aggression.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–CA/3–1257. Confidential; Priority.
  2. The morning session was public. For text of Dulles’ remarks at that session, see Department of State Bulletin, April 1, 1957, p. 527.

    Verbatim Records of the sessions, none printed, were transcribed by the SEATO organization. (SCM/57/VR–1 through SCM/57/VR–3, March 11–13; ibid., Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 840)

  3. Mohammad Daud Khan.