11. Memorandum From the Acting Chief of the Reports and Operations Staff (Gilman) to the Secretary of State1


  • Main Points of Attached Status Report2 on Afro-Asian Working Group
The Working Group, under the chairmanship of Mr. Lacy, is now formulating an agreed paper which is being coordinated with Mr. MacArthur’s Bangkok Conference group.
Results of invitations to the Bandung Conference are: Accepted—Afghanistan, Communist China, Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines; Probably Attend—Ethiopia, Iran, Japan, Turkey, Arab League States; Probably Decline—Central African Federation, the Gold Coast; Undecided—Nepal, Sudan, Yemen, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Since only 2 of the 30 invited countries are Communist and 10 may be accounted pro-Western, the Bandung Conference will probably avoid issues on which general agreement cannot be reached.
U.S. objectives at the Afro-Asian Conference should be chiefly concerned with impact on uncommitted elements in neutralist countries and in countries aligned with the West. Our objectives should be (1) successful rebuttal of Communist charges, and (2) encouragement of an affirmative attitude by the Conference toward Free World and U.S. achievements and goals.
We plan to keep in close touch with our friends through normal diplomatic channels giving advice as appropriate. We have [Page 30] queried Embassy Djakarta as to the advisability of having American political and information officers present at Bandung during the conference.
Although the U.S. should volunteer no public comment on the Bandung Conference, we can counteract the effect of certain issues likely to be raised at Bandung by taking public positions on them without making specific reference to the Conference itself.
The Working Group is preparing background material to be sent to our missions with appropriate instructions in the near future.
The Working Group suggests that the following specific actions be taken at Bangkok:
a declaration reaffirming the Pacific Charter and expressing the determination of Manila Pact Members to meet the problems of Communist expansion, colonialism, economic development, etc.;
the preparation of statements, resolutions, and a communiqué dealing with those issues anticipated at Bandung, and stressing that differences in racial and cultural background constitute no bar to international cooperation; and
statements about the Bangkok meeting by U.S. and Manila Pact Leaders addressed to issues anticipated at Bandung, but without reference to the Afro-Asian Conference itself.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 670.901/2–855. Secret.
  2. Not printed.