271. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

3316. Regret Embtel 31122 not received until April 5, 1:22 p.m. Department somewhat encouraged by Nasser action defer issuance declaration and apparent willingness Egypt continue exchange of views.

We appreciate difficulty pinning down Fawzi to specific reaction our suggested changes in Egyptian declaration. While Department giving further consideration “possible devices to meet Egyptian objections re 6 points, users role, and adherence,” we believe any further suggestions by us at this time must be determined in light specific Egyptian reaction to our textual suggestions. We are looking forward to report your meeting with Fawzi April 5 in hopes he will have provided you with point by point reaction to text, including suggestion for alternative working. In any event will telegraph further comments tomorrow after your report on meeting with Fawzi.

Related Subject. Department has noted press reports attributed to Egyptian sources indicating intention Egyptian Government call conference of major users of Canal to reaffirm or revise 1888 Convention. Department would of course appreciate any information Embassy may get on this matter.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/4–457. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Shaw and Sisco and approved by Dillon.
  2. Supra.