130. Message From Prime Minister Ben Gurion to President Eisenhower1

Dear Mr. President, Following your message which reached me late last night,2 the Government of Israel has met throughout today with Ambassador Eban and thoroughly studied his report on views of the United States Government. Ambassador Eban is leaving tomorrow morning with new instructions which reflect considered position of my colleagues and myself.

I hope that United Nations Assembly discussion may be put off until Monday so as to enable Ambassador Eban to meet with Secretary Dulles before the Assembly convenes.

My colleagues and I deeply appreciate the personal interest you and Secretary Dulles are taking in this matter and I wish to assure you that it is our most ardent wish to cooperate to the fullest in seeking a solution.

Your words of friendship mean very much to us and in view of the grave political and moral issues involved we hope there will be possibility of further clarification which we feel confident will show a way out of the deadlock.

Sincerely yours,

David Ben Gurion3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/2–2257. Secret. Transmitted to the Department of State in Niact telegram 993 from Tel Aviv, February 22, 3 a.m., which is the source text, with the explanation that the text of Ben Gurion’s message had been telephoned to the Embassy from Jerusalem at 1:15 a.m., local time, on February 22. Telegram 993 was received in the Department of State at 2:48 a.m. A copy is in the Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, International File.
  2. Document 121.
  3. Telegram 993 bears this typed signature.