660. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France 1

2333. Embtel 2932.2 Following guidance keyed to points listed reftel.

Primary responsibility for clearance Canal rests with UN. SYG has established mechanism for handling and has arranged for salvage equipment be sent Egypt. General Wheeler, SYG’s adviser on clearance operation now in Egypt. We understand he and SYG planning use UN salvage fleet plus certain number British and French units to clear Canal. We primarily interested in quickest opening of Canal and determination of equipment to be used should be made with this objective in view.
Role of UNEF in Egypt is to secure and supervise cessation of hostilities in accordance terms GA resolution November 2. After departure British and French forces Department envisages UNEF will continue move into Sinai as Israeli troops withdraw and will take stations on armistice lines. UNEF will presumably remain until objectives of GA achieved. GA should be authority to decide latter point.
We will continue support right of all nations including Israel to free and unfettered passage through Canal when latter cleared.

We believe negotiations between UK, France and Egypt, with assistance SYG, on basis 6 principles should be promptly resumed. We will not support solution less favorable than one based on these principles.

4a. Parties to negotiations should be as set forth above.

4b. We believe SCUA should have important role in connection with future Canal regime. This should be determined in context negotiations mentioned above.

4c. This problem under study in USG and firm position not yet reached. We are opposed to assessing damages to UK and France as suggested in some quarters.

US attitude toward economic relations Egypt set forth Deptel 2244 and Tosec 15.3 Contents these telegrams should be revealed to French only on very general terms.
Problem arms purchases from USSR by NE states very difficult. We are considering methods of approach but no firm position reached.
Resolution set before GA by US on Palestine settlement shows how we believe this problem should be approached. Secretary’s statement of August 26, 1956 remains basis US position on general settlement.
Status of Gaza and Aqaba matter for future determination in connection with advance UNEF into Sinai. We believe Israel forces should withdraw from these areas in compliance GA resolution of November 2 but islands should not be fortified and there should be free access into Gulf. Gaza should perhaps be UN responsibility.
Posture of Lebanon is matter to be determined by GOL. Lebanon of all NE states has assumed more reasonable attitude re basic NE problems. We agree Lebanon should be permitted acquire some additional defensive arms to strengthen its security. Creation of permanent UN force and stationing it in NE or anywhere else would require decision by GA. Present UNEF is emergency force set up only in connection recent NE hostilities. Question of possible permanent force in NE requires careful study and might be considered at subsequent stage after some of more immediate problems are dealt with.
Problem of Syria under study by USG. We believe unfavorable trend developments Syrian situation strengthened by tension and instability resulting from present crisis. Essential more normal atmosphere be urgently restored.
We believe US adherence to Baghdad Pact not at this time desirable. US issued statement November 29 reiterating its support for Pact and its interest in security Pact members. We studying other means strengthening US bilateral relationship with Pact countries.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/12–1356. Secret. Drafted by Rockwell; cleared by Sisco, Phleger, Looram (EUR/WE); and approved by Murphy who signed for Dulles. Repeated to Cairo, London, and USUN.
  2. In telegram 2932 from Paris, December 13, Dillon requested guidance on the 11 items discussed in telegram 2333. (Ibid.)
  3. Neither printed.