622. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1

3018. Eyes only for Acting Secretary from Ambassador. During my conversation with Butler referred to mytel 3004,2 which took place immediately after a cabinet meeting, he stated that program which had been outlined by Kirkpatrick to me earlier (mytel 3006)3 [Page 1211] had been adopted by the cabinet and that, subject to agreement by the French, final announcement of cabinet decision to withdraw from Egypt would be made Monday. Butler said that all of these matters covered by message which Caccia would deliver to you today. Butler stated that debate on the government’s course of action would continue until Wednesday or Thursday of next week and that the final vote on the motion of censure would probably take place Thursday afternoon or evening. Butler said that it would be the greatest possible assistance to HMG and a great factor in healing US-UK relations if as soon as possible after the Foreign Secretary’s policy statement on Monday afternoon the USG could (1) express satisfaction concerning HMG’s intentions and policy, will [(2)?] put the full weight of the USG behind the Secretary General’s plans to make the UN force an adequate and effective one, and (3) state (a) that the USG will give all assistance possible to see that the UN operation for clearing the Canal proceeds efficiently, (b) that USG desires to see a rapid conclusion of an agreement to give effect to the Security Council’s October resolution setting forth the six principles of settlement, and (c) that USG intends to secure a permanent settlement of the basic problems of the Middle East area.

I am sure that Butler is right in his feeling that such a statement would not only be of great assistance to HMG in the debate next week but also a vital factor in improving the relations between the US and the UK. Assuming that the action of HMG is as satisfactory as has been forecast, I am firmly convinced that it would be greatly to the interest of the US for us to issue such a statement.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/11–2956. Top Secret; Niact. Received at 3:02 p.m.
  2. Telegram 3004, November 29, reported that Butler was hoping to reconcile as many as possible of the Conservative “rebel group” to the withdrawal policy to be announced on Monday, December 3. He felt that it would be helpful if the United States could announce implementation of the MEEC plan on November 29. (Ibid., 880.2553/11–2956)
  3. Telegram 3006, November 28, reported that, according to Kirkpatrick, Lloyd would make a holding statement in Commons on November 29. Pineau would then come to London to coordinate French action with the British, and on December 3 the British Government would announce to Commons its definite intention to withdraw troops within 15 days. (Ibid., 684A.86/11–2856)