515. Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State1
2205. Pass immediately to Hoover and Lodge. I have just left Mollet and Pineau who were awaiting U.S. reply to Soviet notes. They have heard nothing from London. They say they are prepared to discuss cease fire which could take place in very near future. By morning the bulk of their forces will be ashore. I think they might accept cease fire effective by Tuesday night Suez time. However under no circumstances are they willing accept cease fire as a result of Soviet pressure.
Resolution in Security Council must be sponsored by U.S. or other non-Communist power to obtain their assent.
They are not prepared to withdraw their forces until an international force arrives on spot. They desire to be part of such international force and say they have on the spot all the necessary equipment to clear and reopen Canal to traffic which cannot be reassembled from elsewhere in less than a month or 6 weeks. They will not withdraw this equipment until Canal is functioning normally once again.
Mollet considering issuing statement at appropriate time reaffirming the temporary character their mission in Canal area and calling for free elections in Egypt so that freely elected representatives of Egyptian people can negotiate final settlement of Canal and Israeli problem.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/11–656. Secret; Niact. Received at 8:49 p.m., November 5. Also sent to USUN.↩