482. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between Secretary-General Hammarskjöld and the Deputy Representative at the United Nations Security Council (Barco), New York, November 3, 19561


  • Suez—UN Intl Force in Egypt

At Mr. Lodge’s request, I telephoned the SYG UN to tell him of the new developments. I told him we understood that Eden had already made a proposal for UN forces to take over in the Canal Zone. I said we had reason to believe that a resolution would be introduced to endorse this and which would set up something to carry it out. I said we felt that, for us to be a party to this, would appear that we were particeps criminis to the U.K.-French plan from the beginning, and that we could not believe that the UN or the Egyptians would agree to this kind of a solution forced upon them in this way.

Therefore, we would like to head this off by introducing our own resolution for which we would like to have priority. However I [Page 958] explained that I could not give him the text of our resolution as it was still being worked on in the Department, but it would not be the same type of resolution the British had in mind. I told Mr. Hammarskjold I would get our proposed resolution to him just as soon as it was possible—and he assured me that our resolution would have priority.

  1. Source: Department of State, USUN Files, Unnumbered File, Suez Canal. Secret. Drafted by Barco. The source text does not indicate at what time the conversation took place; it may have been earlier in the day before the 7 p.m. EisenhowerLodge conversation, supra.