282. Letter From the Secretary of State to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Robertson)1
Dear Reuben: I have received a letter from Secretary Wilson, dated September 25,2 recommending the termination of that aspect of Operation “Whiplash” involving the USS Oglethorpe. I also note that the other aspect of Operation “Whiplash” involving the possible [Page 611] supplying of F–86 aircraft to Israel in the event of Arab aggression against that state will be maintained, and the aircraft and equipment in question could be moved on forty-eight hours’ notice from units now available in Europe.
I agree with your recommendation that the USS Oglethorpe be released from its present mission and reassigned, and that its cargo be redistributed to the best advantage of the Services. The President concurs in this view.3
In the event that at some future date it should seem necessary or desirable to provide immediate arms assistance to an Arab nation which has been the victim of aggression, we could presumably arrange to supply certain types of equipment such as that contained in the USS Oglethorpe’s cargo from stocks which are available in Europe.
Sincerely yours,
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 784a.5622/9–2556. Top Secret. a marginal notation on the source text indicates that this letter was handed to Robertson on September 28, during a meeting in Secretary Dulles’ office which began at 3:45 p.m.↩
- See Radford’s memorandum to Wilson, Document 234, and footnote 1 thereto.↩
A memorandum from Dulles to President Eisenhower, dated September 28, reads as follows: “You will recall that following your Arab-Israel statement of last March, we had stockpiled equipment in the Mediterranean area, to be given to Israel or to the Arab States depending upon which was the victim of aggression. The equipment potentially designed for the Arab States is on a ship and the Defense Department feels that, in view of intervening events, it is in order to unload the ship and put it to other uses.
“I am inclined to agree that it is now unlikely that we should be giving military assistance to the Arabs and am disposed to agree that the Defense Department may discontinue this part of the operation. Do you agree?” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, White House Memoranda) A marginal notation in Eisenhower’s hand reads: “OK/DE”.
↩- Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.↩