255. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1
233. At conclusion conversation with Rountree twenty-first on economic matters, Israel Ambassador referred to announcement Canadians would make 24 F–86’s available Israel. Eban said GOI aware [Page 563] Secretary’s deep interest this matter and appreciative his efforts.2 Planned send letter to Secretary this effect.
Rountree said US pleased at result. In reply inquiries Department was stating US had been informed but that it had been Canadian decision. Rountree expressed hope Israel would exercise greatest restraint along borders so that Canadian announcement would not be associated with Israel policies which Arabs could denounce as aggressive. Eban said he understood point and referred to Israel assurances to Canadians planes would be used only for defense. More reassured Israel was on long term security situation easier for Israelis show restraint in short term security problems. Emphasized HKJ responsibility maintain order along borders. Rountree replied that while we did not dispute Jordan’s responsibility, and were convinced King and HKJ leaders wished avoid trouble, realities of situation made it almost inevitable Jordan could not always prevent incidents.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 784A.5622/9–2256. Secret. Drafted by Bergus, cleared by Wilkins, and approved by Rountree. Repeated to Amman and Ottawa.↩
On September 24, Arthur Dean telephoned Secretary Dulles. Their conversation, concerning the release of the F–86’s, which was transcribed by Bernau, went as follows:
“AHD[ean] said he has had several meetings with Eban as the Sec. requested. He called Friday and said that they were delighted re the Canadian business and there would be a release by Ben-Gurion in the Sunday papers. He [Eban] wants to see AHD for breakfast tomorrow. AHD thinks if this is going to have the maximum effectiveness our press officer should say more than we have no objections. The Sec. said we can’t play it from the political standpoint. The Sec. said if he has a press conf. he may be asked about it.” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations)