250. Editorial Note
On September 21, Secretary Dulles sent to Foreign Secretary Lloyd a letter confirming that the United States would become a member of the Suez Canal Users Association. It reads as follows:
“The United States as a member of this Association will seek in cooperation with the other Members to assist the Association to achieve its intended purposes.
“Immediately upon my return steps will be taken with our Treasury officials and with the representatives of owners of American [Page 556] flag vessels which largely transit the Suez Canal with a view to perfecting this cooperation in terms of actual operating practices.”
The text here quoted is the one attached to a circular memorandum by Harold L. Skean (S/S–RO), dated October 2, which indicates this text was the one actually delivered to Foreign Secretary Lloyd. (Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/9–2156) The text forwarded to the Department of State in Secto 22 from London, September 21, was an earlier draft of the letter. (Ibid.)