97. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1
1719. Embassy telegram 17182 designed give Department general feel on situation as it seems here pending clarification talks with Nasser himself. Message sent primarily, however, as basis for recommendation that consultations mentioned last paragraph Department telegram 1960 May 11,3 be delayed.
Necessity for broader consultations regarding Alpha with other departments and congressional leaders fully understood here but hope dangers inherent in holding such discussions will cause Department to await assessment following further talks here prior such discussions.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/5–1655. Top Secret; Priority; Alpha; Limit Distribution.↩
In this May 16 telegram,Byroade reported that since Nasser’s return from Bandung, he had avoided contacts with American officials and seemed to be giving credence to “many rumors of United States activities of late directed against him and RCC.” Among these rumors were allegations that U.S. personnel were raising doubts about the stability of his regime; that the United States was sabotaging foreign financial support for the Aswan Dam; and that the United States intended to pressure Egypt into making peace with Israel.
Byroade expressed the view that Nasser wished to “clarify his own thinking re. foreign affairs policy approach to be followed by Egypt prior to further talks with me.” He observed that there were indications of a possible “fundamental swing” in Egyptian foreign policy “towards the line of ‘independence’ and freedom of action uninfluenced by all other nations, including Arab states.” (Ibid., 774.00/5–1655)
↩- Document 94.↩