68. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

1696. In call on Assistant Secretary Allen April 5Eban made roughly same points covered by Sharett (Tel Aviv 8582). He urgently requested US assistance in arranging high level meeting between Israel and Egyptian representatives to discuss frontier situation in Gaza area.

He said Israel was sincerely desirous have such meeting and foresaw direst developments if present conditions continue. He declared proposed meeting was “not a propaganda gimmick”. Expressing appreciation for Egypt’s difficulty with public opinion, he said Israel was willing for meeting to be kept secret with agenda strictly limited to discussion frontier situation Gaza area. Israel willing to meet Egypt either at Kilo 95 or some place in Europe.Eban imagined Egypt might prefer European meeting as easier protect secrecy there. He said representatives of Egypt and Israel should have sufficient authority commit governments to specific proposals for relief border tensions. He pointed out that Israel could convoke meeting under Article 12GAA3 but was willing to meet secretly to avoid putting Egypt on the spot.

Jerusalem should inform Burns urgently of foregoing and say US Government considers situation explosive. We suggest he consider calling high level representatives of Egypt and Israel to meet with him on subject.Cole should reaffirm to Burns that US desires support him in all possible ways and would strongly press Egyptians and Israelis to attend meeting under his auspices.4FYI Department plans approach Hammarskjold today along same line and ask that he [Page 143] communicate with Burns in support our suggestion.5 End FYI. Department will of course be most interested in receiving any comments or additional information Burns may have.

Cairo should inform GOE of Israeli request and bring urgently to attention GOE seriousness of border situation as described Tel Aviv’s 858 and other reports and emphasize dangers of explosion. Should say we are consulting General Burns re possibility his calling meeting under his auspices and if GOE prefers this procedure we will give it our strong support. Meanwhile think it of utmost importance Egypt refrain from all actions which might worsen situation.6

Tel Aviv inform Sharett we concur in need for urgent action to relieve Gaza frontier situation. We are transmitting his request to Egyptians but since UN has continuing responsibility, we are also consulting Burns re possible immediate steps and will support him fully. Meanwhile we would take extremely serious view of any Israeli action which might lead to explosion.7

Immediately on receipt of word Burns is calling meeting, Cairo and Tel Aviv should emphasize to respective governments our full support for his action and urge complete cooperation. Embassies should explain we taking similar action at other capital.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–555. Secret;Niact. Drafted by Hart and Bergus and approved by Allen, who signed for Dulles. Also sent niact to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Repeated niact to USUN.
  2. Document 65.
  3. Egypt and Israel signed a General Armistice Agreement at Rhodes on February 24, 1949 (U.N. doc. S/1264). Article 12 provided, among other things, that either Egypt or Israel could request the U.N. Secretary-General to convoke a conference of representatives of Egypt and Israel for the purpose of reviewing, revising, or suspending any of the agreement’s provisions, with the exception of Articles 1 and 2.
  4. Consul General Cole in Jerusalem cabled the Department on April 8 that he had spoken with General Burns the previous day about arranging a high-level meeting between Egyptian and Israeli representatives.Burns informed Cole that Israeli Foreign Ministry officials were anxious to have such a session. (Telegram 268; Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–855)Cole subsequently informed the Department that he had had another meeting with Burns on April 8, at which time Burns stated he would consider calling a high-level Egyptian-Israeli meeting and would inform Cole of his decision. (Telegram 270 from Jerusalem, April 8;ibid.)
  5. The Department instructed the Mission at the United Nations to approach Secretary-General Hammarskjöld along the lines indicated in this telegram. (Telegram 574 to USUN, April 6;ibid., 674.84A/4–655) Although Hammarskjöld had misgivings about pursuing this course of action, he informed members of the Mission that he would instruct General Burns to proceed with the suggestion to call a meeting of high-level Egyptian and Israeli representatives to discuss the dangerous situation in the Gaza area. (Telegram 665 from New York, April 7;ibid., 674.84A/4–755)
  6. Byroade reported that he had carried out the Department’s instructions on April 7, but that Fawzi refused to commit the Egyptian Government to attending a high-level meeting with Israeli officials. He did say, however, “that Government of Egypt could consider further Israeli idea of meeting when meaning ‘high level’ known.” (Telegram 1496 from Cairo, April 7;ibid.)
  7. Lawson delivered the substance of the Department’s telegram to Sharett on the evening of April 7. (Telegram 866 from Tel Aviv, April 8;ibid., 674.84A/4–855)