61. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1
4351. Reference Embtel 43502 immediately preceding, in conveying Foreign Office concern at apparent divergence views of US and UK re Northern Tier,Shuckburgh also referred to proposal in Deptel 4997,3 of which Foreign Office had learned from British Embassy Washington, that consideration be given to approaching Nasser re Alpha before Afro-Asian Conference and to talking to him about Middle East defense along lines indicated Department reference telegram.Shuckburgh said he must point out it had been agreed following recommendations of Ambassadors Stevenson and [Page 129] Byroade that approach to Nasser would not be made until latter’s return from Afro-Asian Conference. He pointed out Nasser departing April 8 and it not advisable in British view approach him before that time.
Shuckburgh said he was coming more and more to regard it as urgent that Alpha be put into operation as soon as possible after Nasser’s return from Bandung, but not before. Moreover, when this step taken it should be done in formal and considered fashion and all tangible and intangible benefits should be presented to Nasser, though not necessarily all details. British did not favor another oblique approach to Nasser such as Eden had made.
He also saw some inconsistency between (1) Department’s apparent preference that Northern Tier be limited to Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and UK at this time, and (2) suggestion that Egypt be urged participate in Middle East defense through adherence Turkish-Pakistan Pact.
Shuckburgh added that in his view it would be extremely unwise to inform Nasser that we were thinking of advising Jordan or any other Arab State against joining Turkish-Iraqi Pact since this would put us in the position of giving Nasser what he wanted before getting anything from him. British were aware of need for doing something for Nasser but had just released certain military equipment to Egypt which should take care of immediate problem.