410. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State 1

955.Fawzi and I shadow-boxed last night on subject Alpha with no concrete developments. On his part he apparently waiting in hope I would make concrete suggestions as regards territorial questions. This felt I should not do in view Department telegram 970.2 Conversation therefore dealt mostly with procedures that might be followed to arrive at eventual settlement.Fawzi ruled out direct talks, at least initially. Concluded finally that secret approach by United States and/or United Kingdom still best method. He felt it of utmost importance other Arab States not be brought into matter until a later agreed time when we and Egypt had reached substantial understanding.

I stated seemed to me there was every advantage for plan to be worked out to be Egyptian from beginning. Recalled long period of time necessary convert American plan for Jordan Valley to what Arabs would call Arab plan. Question was how could realistic Egyptian plan be defined and what assistance could we provide? After all if Egypt really desired settlement, she would have her heart in matter and should be able take initiative with actual formulation of plan. Who then was to first put pencil to paper so our discussions could take concrete form?Fawzi hesitated and evaded reply until termination of conversation on other matters. He eventually said he did not know answer to my question but perhaps could have one by tomorrow night when we dine together with British Ambassador [Page 750] Trevelyan.3 I told him his answer to this question would greatly affect my own thinking as to their readiness to proceed with settlement arrangements.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/11–1555. Top Secret; Alpha. Received at 4:50 p.m. Repeated to London and Geneva.
  2. See footnote 3, Document 401.
  3. See Document 416.