39. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1
1279. For the Secretary. Absence of USG comment re Gaza attack beginning to be noticeable here. Headline this morningEgyptian Gazette gives British position as follows:
“Britain blames Israel: attack premeditated”. Article quotes authoritative British sources in Foreign Office attributable mostly to Nutting. Radio Ankara last night took same line for Turkish Government. British Embassy locally has now found ways of letting their feelings leak to press. Embassy has not commented to press.
The above and other factors will cause US position in SC to be reviewed with extraordinary scrutiny.
Department will of course be aware that all this bodes ill for operation Alpha and timetable at least will have to be readjusted. Egyptian authorities (with exception of the travelling Salah Salem) are exercising remarkable restraint re attack and its aftermath of refugee rioting but will be some time before they forget their dead and be willing to cooperate with us in finding overall solution.
I told Eban prior to my departure2 that I would work on Egypt as quickly as possible to advance general relations between Israel and Egypt, the lifting of the blockade, et cetera as I knew this to be in interests my own country as well as Israel. I strongly urged restraint on their part on matters relating to Egypt in order that we might have climate here in which to work. I told him past experience [Page 83] had led me to fear however that just as we felt we were getting into position to accomplish some gain an act of Israel might make such progress impossible.
This Embassy will of course utilize any and every possible opening to accomplish the intent of operation Alpha. Department must of course weigh other aspects in arriving at a course of action on the Gaza incident bearing in mind that a strong stand will greatly assist us here. Needless to say stand taken will also greatly affect our general position in this country and in other neighboring states at this rather critical time.