33. Telegram From the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State1

740. Tekoah, Chargé Armistice Affairs, Foreign Ministry, has given Embassy following interpretation genesis combat action Gaza Strip last night.

Israel action was an explosion of pent-up feeling which has been mounting for some time and which reached conclusive point with February 25 murder Israel cyclist 40 kms. inside Israel territory, [Page 76] plus conclusive evidence Egyptian operations in Israel were being directed by central organization of Egyptian Government.
These were acts of war and had convinced Israelis that Nasser, Gohar, Salem, had meant what they said in recent statements that state of war existed between Egypt and Israel. Furthermore Egypt had taken position before Security Council inBat Galim case that state of belligerency existed between the two countries.
Tekoah concluded by saying that Israel had filed a complaint and requested emergency meeting Egyptian-Israel MAC on the grounds action last night had commenced by attack on Israel army unit as per IDF communiqué. (Embtel 7372).
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/3–155. Confidential; Priority. Received at 2:56 p.m. Repeated to Cairo, Jerusalem, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, and Jidda.
  2. Dated March 1; it transmitted reports concerning the military action the previous night, including the text of an IDF communiqué. (Ibid.)