282. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

492. From Johnston. In discussion with Fawzi Deputy Foreign Minister Said, Ambassador Hussein, Mohammed Selim and Ahmad Farag just prior Fawzi’s departure for US we explored technical aspects Jordan Valley program and factors bearing on timing Foreign Minister meeting, procedure and documentation.

Discussion opened on technical questions. Selim asked for and received clarifications on following points: (1) Whether HKJ can build higher dam. We repeated arguments against dam impounding more than 300MCM but said no objection Arabs increasing its height so long as they finance, (2) Arab objection to inclusion 30MCM saline water in HKJ allotment from Jordan River. We expressed willingness try work out compromise proposal, (3) financing hydroelectric installations Yarmuk dam. We reiterated power installations bankable and hence not eligible US grant aid, but indicated US willing provide good offices in connection loan application to appropriate banking institutions, (4) authority of neutral supervisory body. Selim at first insisted neutral supervision should be limited to facilities having international effect. When it pointed out this might preclude access of supervisory body to Israel diversion at Jisr Banat Yaqub, Selim indicated merely that supervision should not extend to ground, Wadi and other local water resources, (5) inclusion Hasbani development in program. We confirmed offer to conduct survey on Hasbani River and assist in financing through UNRRA sound irrigation project based on availability 35MCM allotted to Lebanon.

In discussing timing,Fawzi pointed out Farhan at present Istanbul. Selim scheduled go London and Paris until September 28 and serious question whether Lebanon will be in position send Foreign [Page 479] Minister to meeting prior end this month. We discussed possibility meeting September 24, but I reluctantly agreed to October 1 when Fawzi strongly urged setting it back rather than attempt earlier date with serious risk postponement.

We next discussed procedure: How and by whom meeting should be called, participation and relationship meeting to League.Fawzi began on assumption program was already in hands Arab League through its Technical Committee. When I pressed view it not Arab League affair,Fawzi appeared primarily concerned because his inability find rationale for Egypt’s participation outside framework Arab League. He contended that in final stage of political consideration Egypt had no more basis for participation than Iraq, and that matter was therefore one for either three riparian nations or full Arab League. We continued press case with Hussein supporting our position until Fawzi suggested we await arrival Arab League Secretary General Hassouna who had next appointment with him.

In reviewing problem with Hassouna we emphasized inappropriateness my seeking approval Arab League on political level when program had been carefully removed from political sphere and pointed out necessity deal with States concerned on project basis. On other hand we made explicit our lack any objection if States concerned wish seek Arab League approval after conclusion negotiations with US. Hassouna appeared appreciate problem, while making point that to consult other States would be less dangerous than not since they would then be less free to criticize and be obstructive. He said if four States concerned had determined on position before going into Council he believed others certain to go along.

Hassouna’s automatic assumption that Egypt one of four interested States which would be expected concert views prior general Arab League discussion appeared reassure Fawzi. We agreed members Technical Committee should meet September 28 and 29 to complete report to Arab League political committee and their governments. Meeting Foreign Minister four States concerned to be held morning October 1. Foreign Ministers will take agreed position to meeting Council which follows immediately.

Concluding discussion touched on form which agreement to program might take.Fawzi initially disposed favor US agreements with Arab State. We briefly outlined advantages of unilateral declarations each participating State which could be of basis UNGA resolution.Fawzi agreed problem should be explored in more detail on working level.

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Throughout discussion Egyptians showed every disposition be helpful. I could not have asked for more considerate or constructive attitude.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 120.1580/9–1755. Confidential. Received at 4:15 a.m., September 18. Repeated to Beirut, Damascus, Amman, Tel Aviv, London, Baghdad, and Paris.