256. Memorandum From the Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State1

In my telephone conversation with Ambassador Cabot Lodge this morning he noted the recommendation of General Burns and Ambassador Byroade for a meeting of the Security Council on the Israel-Egypt hostilities in the Gaza area.2 Ambassador Lodge was against this Security Council meeting unless we were thoroughly and completely prepared with a full course of action determined in advance.

I stated that I would call a meeting during the day and would advise him of the Department’s attitude toward the calling of such a meeting of the Security Council.

Subsequently, I asked Mr. Wainhouse if he would discuss the matter with Mr.Allen and let me know their recommendations of a course of action for a Security Council meeting.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/9–255. Secret. According to Secretary Dulles’ Appointment Book, he departed for Duck Island on the afternoon of Thursday, September 1. He returned to Washington on Friday, September 16. (Princeton University Library, Dulles Papers)
  2. Cole reported in telegram 70 from Jerusalem, September 2, that Burns had recommended to Hammarskjöld that the Security Council meet and call for an immediate cease-fire and other steps to prevent hostilities. (Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/9–255)Byroade’s recommendation for a meeting of the Security Council was sent in telegram 357 from Cairo, September 1. (Ibid., 674.84A/9–155)