351. Memorandum From the Secretary of Defense (McElroy) to the Secretary of the Navy (Gates)1


  • Vanguard Program


  • (a) Sec/Navy Memo to Sec/Def, dtd 22 Oct 1957, subj: Earth Satellite Program2

Your memorandum of 22 October expressed concern that the Presidential statement of 9 October on the U.S. satellite program has committed the Navy to meet the December 1957 launching of a test vehicle and a March 1958 launching of an instrumented satellite.

Subsequent to the above, I have received a confirmation from the President that he expects the Department of Defense to meet these commitments.

At the time the U.S. satellite program responsibility was assigned to the Navy, the atmosphere of a completely scientific effort in the framework of the International Geophysical Year prevailed. The Soviet’s success with their satellite has changed the situation. We now have the added burden of not only launching a successful satellite but doing it as per our current schedule. The psychological factors in this matter have obviously received a new emphasis. If necessary, a back-up program to insure success will be initiated.

We must, therefore, go forward with deliberate speed in this program and meet the above dates if at all possible.

Requests for assistance to maintain this schedule should be called to the attention of the Assistant for Guided Missiles. We are attempting to obtain an additional launching stand for you.

Neil McElroy 3
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Special Assistant for Science and Technology Records, Additional Records 1957–61 (A76–16), Box 15, Space (October 1957).
  2. Supra.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.