31. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) to the Secretary of State1
- Strengthening US Participation in UN General Assembly
- 1.
- You requested me after the last General Assembly to explore ways of strengthening the general US diplomatic position in the UN, specifically in connection with the forthcoming Assembly session. [Page 109] We have made a thorough evaluation of the 10th Assembly, and an analysis of the current trends in the UN as they affect American interests. On the basis of this analysis IO has developed some action recommendations designed to improve the overall US posture.
- 2.
- The attached recommendations are selective in that they do not attempt to cover the entire range of policy operations, or to reaffirm existing policies. In the case of colonial policy I understand you will be receiving recommendations separately, based on an S/P study.2 On disarmament, although we fully recognize the desirability of, for example, an “educational campaign” for new UN Members in the face of new Soviet tactics, it was felt that this matter can best be handled through the present channels.
- 3.
The attached recommendations have been fully discussed with USUN and other bureaus. Because a number of the recommendations represent changes in existing policy, it has not been possible to secure complete agreement on all points, and the paper should be regarded as IO’s response to your request, rather than as a cleared Departmental staff study.
There was, however, general agreement on a number of points. P, E, and NEA were in agreement with the substance of all the recommendations, as was S/P, subject to the reservation that the US should be entirely consistent in its policy on voting in favor of inscription. Other areas agreed with the majority of recommendations, but dissented in a few cases, as follows:
On recommendation 1 (Economic), ARA and FE dissent. On recommendation 2 (Inscription), ARA and EUR dissent. On recommendation 3 (Human Rights), L dissents, and FE, on the contrary, wishes it strengthened. On recommendation 4 (Elections), there is complete agreement. On recommendation 5 (Psychological Strategy), there is agreement, except for some additional suggestions from FE, and Ambassador Lodge’s feeling that the US might wish to inscribe a “cold war” item for purposes of educating Members who may be misled by current Soviet poses. On recommendation 6 (Organizational), there is agreement except that FE questions the impact on Far Eastern states of relations with new Communist members (subparagraph d).
- 4.
- I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this paper with you at your early convenience.3
- Source: Department of State, I 0 Files: Lot 60 D 113, Strengthening US Participation in UNGA. Confidential.↩
- Not further identified.↩
- No record of such a conversation has been found.↩
- Reference is to the countries that participated in the 29-nation Asian-African Conference at Bandung, Indonesia, April 18–24, 1955.↩