247. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

104. Re UN membership. View estimate GA support ROK membership application contained Delga 514,2 Delegation authorized introduce resolution along following lines when Special Political Committee reaches admissions item:

[Page 491]

The General Assembly

Recalling the resolution of its Fourth Session (296(IV)) finding the Republic of Korea qualified for United Nations membership,

Noting that the Republic of Korea has been excluded from membership in the United Nations because of the opposition of one of the permanent members of the Security Council,

Reaffirms its belief that the Republic of Korea is fully qualified for admission to membership in the United Nations,

Requests the Security Council to reconsider the application of the Republic of Korea with a view to a favorable recommendation thereon. End Verbatim text.

Delegation should at once inform ROK representatives, other friendly delegations, and Secretariat of its intention. Delegation should also endeavor obtain wide co-sponsorship its resolution, particularly among Afro-Asians, order maximize whatever impact GA action may have on USSR from standpoint moral suasion.

Department informing Embassy Saigon Delegation’s estimate situation respect Viet-Nam’s application and requesting it ascertain Vietnamese desires in those circumstances. If Viet-Nam Government wishes proceed, Delegation should introduce similar but separate resolution on Viet-Nam when it introduces that on ROK. Delegation should not therefore introduce ROK resolution until Vietnamese reaction known.

Department recognizes US initiative behalf ROK and Viet-Nam likely result requests consider applications North Korea, Outer Mongolia, and Viet Minh. Delegation should on customary grounds strongly oppose all three applications and vote against them. Avoidance as in past any vote on substance North Korea and Viet Minh applications desirable.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/1–1557. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Seoul and Saigon. Signed by Wilcox for the Secretary.
  2. Document 245.