201. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1
Delga 415. Reference membership. Alphand called on his return from Paris where he had gone to get instructions on the membership question. His instructions are to vote yes on all 18 applicants provided there has first been in the GA a vote requiring that inscription of items on the agenda of the GA shall be by a two-thirds vote.
He said I was the first person he had seen, that he next intends to see Dixon (UK) and Maza (GA President)2 that if we four are in agreement we would then approach the Russians, and if the Russians agree we would then approach India. Thereafter a few small countries would be selected to cosponsor the proposition so that it would not look “anti-democratic”.
He says … that if he is unsuccessful in securing the adoption of this new rule he will not vote in favor of the 18 new members.
I am very much drawn to the idea of a two-thirds rule for inscription and request Department instructions as soon as possible because he is in a great hurry to get going.