196. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
Gadel 141. Re membership—Delga 390.2 In view of problem we face with China and current suspicion of possible deal with British inspired by fact UK recognizes Communist China, we do not think UK sponsorship of SC proposal on eighteen would be wise or desirable. For this reason we suggest you approach Belaunde again informally to see whether he would be willing to submit proposal for eighteen. We assume misgivings he had concerning seventeen-state proposal and problem he raised concerning role of GOC would be obviated if proposal he submitted included all pending applications except divided states.
Language of British draft not satisfactory. In particular it accords to North Korea and Viet Minh status we have always successfully opposed giving them, namely equality with ROK and Viet-Nam. We would prefer simple resolution noting SC consideration of membership question and recommending to GA admission of eighteen countries with no specific reference in resolution to divided states.
Of course Belaunde should know that U.S. will not vote for but abstain in SC on resolution for eighteen.
Timing of Security Council meeting should await further information on Chinese position.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/11–3055. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brown. Cleared by Robertson, Merchant, and Monsma.↩
- Document 190.↩