124. Editorial Note
On September 22, Secretary Dulles addressed the Tenth Session of the United Nations General Assembly at New York. The speech, entitled “Entering The Second Decade,” is printed in Department of State Bulletin, October 3, 1955, pages 523–529.
On September 19, Dulles sent a draft of this speech to President Eisenhower and in a covering memorandum, the Secretary wrote: [Page 304]
“I enclose a draft of a speech which I propose to make at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday morning. I worked on this Saturday and Sunday and it is still subject to some checking and revision.
“I do not think that this requires your attention because it does not attempt to set out any new policies, but merely recapitulates the existing policies. Nevertheless, if you do have a chance to glance at it before I make it and have any thoughts you may wish to give me, I would be very happy to receive them.
“I repeat, however, that this need not be considered as a task interfering with what I hope will be days of real privacy and freedom from official cares.”
Attached to Secretary Dulles’ memorandum was the note: “Mr. President: No action necessary, a.” The signature was presumably that of the President’s personal secretary Ann Whitman. A copy of Secretary Dulles’ memorandum without the draft speech attached is in Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles-Herter Series.