101. Memorandum of a Conversation Between the Counselor of the British Embassy (Salt) and the Special Assistant for United Nations Affairs in the Bureau of European Affairs (Allen), Department of State, Washington, February 25, 19552
- Chinese Representation in the UN
Miss Salt called on instructions to advise us of the response of the British Government to our inquiry of Dec. 22.3 The UK intends to continue the moratorium arrangement4 between our two governments in all UN and Specialized Agencies for the time being but is not prepared to commit itself for a definite period for the future, such as the full calendar year 1955. In the absence of major developments in the area, the government is not giving consideration to any early change in its policy. In bodies which both we and they have in the past considered to be incompetent to pass upon the issue, the UK will continue to adhere to the procedural device of lack of competence. In other bodies, they will work out with us the appropriate procedural device which will result in continuing to seat the Nationalists without a vote on the substance of the question. If required to explain their reasons they will follow the line followed by the UK delegation at the last UN General Assembly.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.393/2–2555. Confidential.↩
- Not further identified.↩
- Reference is to the agreement by the United Kingdom to support U.S. policy of not considering any proposals to exclude representatives of the Government of the Republic of China from the councils of the United Nations or to seat representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China in those councils.↩