- Abu Dhabi, 686
- Adams, Sherman, 146, 511, 630n, 701
- Aden Protectorate, 653
- Adenauer, Konrad, 248
- Advisory Committee on Export Policy, 489, 530–531
- Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 163–164
- Afghanistan, 7, 9, 24, 28–31, 61, 116
- Africa, 24–25, 184–186, 188, 649
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of:
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 578
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 235–236, 238–239
- Allen, George V., 201, 596n
- Alphand, Herve, 463, 466, 476–477
- American Doctrine. See Eisenhower Doctrine.
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 216–218, 220–221, 313, 314n
- Anderson, Dillon, 288n
- Anderson, Robert B., 509, 628–631, 633–636, 658, 667–668, 711
- Anderson, Samuel, 213n, 214, 216
- ANZUS, 192, 195
- Arab–Israeli dispute, 684–685
- Arab League, 702
- Arab nationalism, 683–684
- Arab States, U.S. relations with, 24, 639–640, 644
- Argentina, 33
- Arismendi, Jose Loreto, 752
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 236, 598n, 633n
- Armstrong, Willis C., 214n, 449n, 463n, 464n, 506–507, 671n, 711–712, 715–717, 722, 734, 739
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 578
- Asakai, Koichiro, 470
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 465n
- Asia (see also specific countries and areas):
- Aswan High Dam, 103, 187
- Atomic energy, 242, 299, 377, 504, 578
- Atomic Energy Commission, 30, 81, 98, 578
- Atomic weapons, 118–119, 121–127, 129–130, 145, 201, 555, 571–573, 578–580
- Austria, 21, 90–91, 293, 523
- Baghdad Pact, 94–95, 119, 604–605, 685
- Bahrein Island, 629, 633
- Bailey, R.W., 604n
- Balmer, Gen. J.D., 2n
- Barbour, Walworth, 214n
- Barnes, Robert G., 171n
- Barnes, Stanley N., 525–529
- Barnett, Robert W., 249n, 255n, 275n
- Bartch, Carl E., 744
- Baruch, Bernard, 330–331, 338
- Becker, Loftus E., 706, 710–712, 715–717
- Beckner, Earl R., 613, 658n, 671, 694n, 734
- Beeley, Harold, 681
- Belgium (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries headings under Multilateral trade controls), 67, 90–91, 135, 299–300, 323, 363n, 469, 507n
- Bender, George H., 316, 324
- Bennsky, George, 746n
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 253–254
- Berlin, 21, 32, 91
- Bermuda Conference, 451
- Bernau, Phyllis, 604n
- Bernbaum, Maurice, 752
- Bicks, Robert A., 745
- Bishop, Max W., 113
- Black, Eugene, 141–144, 147, 174, 653
- Bliss, Don C., 618n, 619
- Bolivia, 109, 113, 116, 540, 584
- Bowie, Robert R., 275n, 284–285, 420n, 589, 605, 681n
- Bray, William H., 622n
- Brazil, 33
- British Petroleum Advisory Committee, 597
- British Petroleum Company, 654
- Brodie, Henry, 220n
- Brownell, Herbert G., 352–353, 509–510, 525–528, 617, 635, 637, 657, 701
- Brownlee, James F., 510, 625, 668
- Brundage, Percival F., 82, 102, 427
- Buchanan, Wiley T., 470n
- Buckle, John F., 255n, 264n
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 55, 146, 148–159, 161–169
- Bulganin, Nikolai, 216n, 245, 357n, 358, 360, 362
- Bulgaria, 251
- Buraimi Dispute, 652, 685–686
- Burdett, William C, Jr., 702n
- Bureau of Economic Affairs, 625n
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 216, 704–705
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 199–200
- Burma, 7, 9, 28–31, 94, 135, 298, 310, 330, 347, 492
- Burrows, Charles R., 752
- Butz, Earl L., 254
- Cabinet Minerals Policy Committee, 577, 580, 583
- Caccia, Harold, 406n, 438–439, 459, 460n, 501, 640, 651–655
- Cambodia, 7, 9, 20, 22, 27, 109, 113, 116, 294
- Canada (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries headings under Multilateral trade controls), 323, 523, 687
- Cannon, Cavendish W., 113, 190, 195
- Capehart, Homer E., 523
- Carlson, Sen. Frank, 691
- Carson, M.V., Jr., 739–744, 747
- Central Intelligence Agency, 4, 241, 313, 314n, 327n, 332, 682n
- Ceylon, 94, 135, 305, 309, 311, 341, 359, 460
- Chapin, Selden, 113
- Chappell, Norman R., 750
- Chiang Kai–shek, 129
- Chile, 33, 99, 521, 572, 584
- China, People’s Republic of (see also China, Peoples
Republic of, subheadings under other subjects; East–West trade;
Multilateral trade controls):
- Aid to developing countries, 187–188, 199
- Asia, influence in, 297, 492, 494
- Ceylon, trade with, 135, 305, 309
- China, Republic of, relations with, 232, 255, 486
- Economic policy, 217
- Economic situation, 310
- Foreign policy, 120, 206n
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 289
- Hong Kong, trade with, 306
- Indonesia, trade with, 306–307
- Japan, trade with, 208–209, 293, 296–297, 309, 314, 350–351, 449, 480, 482, 493
- Malaya, trade with, 311
- Oil industry, 599
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 206–208
- Soviet Union, relations with, 207–208, 218, 289, 293, 295, 407, 409
- U.N. membership, 297, 304, 435–438, 492
- United Kingdom, relations with, 122, 305, 323
- United States, relations with, 486, 492
- China, Republic of, 232, 255, 282, 294–296, 486–487, 494
- CHINCOM (China Committee of the Paris Consultative Group), See Multilateral trade controls; Paris Consultative Group of Nations.
- Chou En–lai, 266
- COCOM (Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group). See Multilateral trade controls; Paris Consultative Group of Nations.
- Colombia, 598
- Commerce, U.S. Department of:
- Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (Randall Commission), 61
- Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 160, 585–587, 705
- Commonwealth, 305, 503, 635
- Congress (see also Congressional
subheadings under other subjects):
- Acts of:
- Agricultural Act of 1956, 587
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L. 480), 91, 93, 99, 121, 123, 160, 253, 258, 263–264, 585–586
- Battle Act, 32, 260, 287, 291, 305, 313, 316, 324, 441, 459–460, 481, 489
- ‘Buy–American’ Act, 580–581, 740–741
- Defense Production Act, 1950, 227, 521–522, 525, 528–529, 554–555, 576, 580–584, 588–589, 616, 705
- Voluntary Agreement Relating to Foreign Petroleum Supply, 597, 614–615, 617–618
- Domestic Minerals Program Extension Act of 1953 (P.L. 206), 588
- Export Control Act, 481, 489, 530
- Federal Coal Mine Safety Act, 518
- Foreign Assistance Act (P.L. 80–472), 103
- Joint Resolution on the Middle East. See Eisenhower Doctrine.
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951. See Battle Act above.
- Mutual Security Act, 12, 101, 140, 160
- Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act of 1946 (P.L. 520), 576, 578, 580–584, 588, 705
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955 (P.L. 86), 546–547, 549, 601–602, 611–612, 656, 659–662, 669, 672–675, 678, 691, 693, 696, 700, 711, 713, 716, 723–725, 728
- Trading With the Enemy Act, 481, 489
- Walsh–Healy Act, 517
- Armed Services Committee, 318, 577
- East–West trade, 334
- Economic defense policy, 232
- Foreign economic policy, 330, 526–527
- House Appropriations Committee, 100, 577
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 11–13, 97, 100, 352, 369
- Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, 577
- Joint Committee on Defense Production, 520–523, 577
- McClellan Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation into East–West Trade, 319, 324, 345, 351–352, 355, 363n, 378
- Multilateral trade controls, 256, 303, 318, 363n, 369, 376, 378, 425, 427, 440–442, 456
- Mutual Security Program, 11–13, 76–77, 89, 92–93, 96–98, 100, 145, 164–165, 170, 175, 188–198, 201
- Senate Finance Committee, 526
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 100, 352
- Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee, 316
- Senate Special Committee to Study the Foreign Aid Program, 126, 170
- Stockpiling, 520–523, 570, 572, 577, 583
- Suez Crisis, 604, 618n
- Ways and Means Committee on Customs, Tariffs and Reciprocal Trade Agreements, 665
- Acts of:
- Corbett, Jack C., 25–28
- Corfu Channel case, 594
- Cosgrave, Liam, 642–643
- Cotulla, L.E., 596–597
- Coulson, John E., 304, 310, 341n, 343n, 344–345, 376n, 398–399, 464n, 681
- Council of Economic Advisors, 146, 148–159, 165–169
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy (CFEP), 77–78, 241
- Documents:
- CFEP 501, 217
- CFEP 501/5, 228–233
- CFEP 501/6, 379
- CFEP 501/7, 257–259
- CFEP 501/8, 286–288
- CFEP 13501/9, 327, 329, 330n
- CFEP 501/10, 327, 330n
- CFEP 501/11, 377, 380, 384
- CFEP 501/12, 392, 400
- CFEP 501/14, 414, 415
- CFEP 523/1, 529–531
- CFEP 526, 549–550
- CFEP 528, 585
- CFEP 528/5, 586
- CFEP 528/6, 586
- CFEP 531, 534n
- CFEP 531/1, 545, 545
- CFEP 544, 654–655
- CFEP 557/1, 483n, 487, 488
- East–West trade, 241, 257–259, 263–264, 333
- Economic defense policy, 213–216, 228–235, 242–244, 246–247, 272, 414–418, 420–421, 483–492
- Foreign economic policy, 529, 530–532, 534n, 543–546, 562, 565n, 622–624
- Meetings:
- Multilateral trade controls, 286, 302–304, 326–330, 342, 367–368, 370, 377–380, 384–387, 391–394, 411, 471
- Mutual Security Program, 93, 146–170, 187
- Stockpiling, 550–551, 586–587
- Documents:
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 249–250
- Cuba, 523, 563
- Cullen, Paul H., 140, 257n, 330n, 377n, 391n, 484n, 550–551, 575n
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 113
- Curtis, Carl T., 270
- Customs Court, 712
- Cutler, Robert, 418n, 525, 528–529, 703, 720, 735–736
- Cyprus, 20
- Czechoslovakia, 307, 331, 333
- Dale, William N., 434n
- Darden, Colgate W., 118n
- Davis, Vice Adm. A.C., 222–223
- De Rege, Giuseppe, 506–507
- Defense, U.S. Department of:
- Administrative reform, 80
- Budget (see also Mutual Security Program: Administration), 33–34
- East–West trade, 236, 239–241, 313
- Economic defense policy, 215, 222
- Energy resources policy, 515, 524, 647, 682n, 740–741
- Multilateral trade controls, 309, 327n, 329–332, 340, 342, 344, 348–349, 372–374, 391, 493
- Mutual Security Program, 15n, 18–19, 45, 60, 101, 177, 191, 193, 195–196, 199–202
- Steel scrap exports, 530
- Stockpiling, 521, 554, 578
- Suez Crisis, 589–592, 607
- United Kingdom, U.S. relations with, 354
- Weapons procurement policies, 572
- Defense Minerals Exploration Administration, 690
- Defense Mobilization Board (DMB), 550–551, 573, 575, 577, 623n, 736
- DeLany, Vice Adm. Walter S., 225, 248n, 286, 313, 390–391, 410, 411n, 412–413, 473, 483, 484n
- Denmark (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 36, 67, 90–91, 323, 449n, 469, 507n
- Deupree, Richard R., 118n, 122–123
- Development Loan Fund, 193–194, 196–198
- Diem, Ngo Dinh, 129
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 394n, 658, 676, 690
- Dirksen, Everett M., 190, 197
- Dodge, Joseph M., 77n, 214n, 216–218, 234, 247n, 377, 534–535
- Dodge Council. See Council on Foreign Economic Policy.
- Doherty, Edward W., 214n, 236–237
- Dominican Republic, 563
- D’Orlandi, Giovanni, 248–249
- Dulles, Allen W., 28–33, 49, 52, 66–67, 188, 200, 210, 303, 332, 346–347
- Dulles, John Foster, 224n, 319n
- East–West trade, 240–241, 252–253, 351
- Foreign economic policy, 253, 330–331, 333–334, 526–527, 529
- Foreign policy, 118–120
- Geneva Conference, 13–14
- Middle East oil supplies, 680
- Multilateral trade controls, 225, 234, 265,
324, 351–355, 366, 372–373, 424–427, 478,
492, 500–501
- Belgian position, 299–301
- Chinese People’s Republic–Soviet bloc differential, 250–251, 266, 267n, 273, 275–277, 371, 373, 455–456
- Copper wire, 342, 405–406, 498–502
- U.S.–British negotiations, 203–204, 285, 304–312, 339–345, 357–365, 368, 373–374, 405–406, 434–438, 450, 457–458, 460n, 464, 466
- U.S. interim proposals, 386–389, 394n
- U.S.–Japanese negotiations, 254, 284
- Mutual Security Program, 13–15, 53–54, 60–61, 75–76, 85, 121–123, 181–182, 184–186, 188–190, 192–194, 196
- Oil imports, 701–702, 706, 708–709, 713, 721, 731
- Soviet economic policy, 253–254
- Stockpiling, 567, 569
- Suez Crisis, 593, 604–605, 606n, 607n, 619–620
- Dunham, William B., 299n
- Eakens, Robert H.S., 589n
- East–West trade (see also
Economic defense policy; Multilateral trade controls), 213,
215, 226, 244, 345–347, 378, 425–426
- Agricultural surpluses, 236–237, 253–254, 258, 263–264, 331, 333–334, 338–339
- Bank credits, 351
- Benefits from, 217–218, 220–221, 243, 302–304, 310, 313–315, 415, 429
- British position, 293, 434
- French position, 448
- Geneva Conference, 236–237, 245, 249–250, 252, 257–259, 263–264, 272
- Soviet position, 480, 507
- Specific items, 251–252
- Trade fairs, 258
- Tripartite agreements, 249, 255, 264–267
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee (EDAC), 315, 326–327, 361, 380, 384–385, 489
- Economic defense policy (see also
East–West trade; Multilateral
trade controls):
- China, People’s Republic of, unilateral trade controls on, 205, 212, 221, 251, 424, 429, 431–433, 478, 480, 484–488, 491–493, 496–498
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy reviews, 213–216, 228–235, 242–244, 246–247, 272, 414–418, 420–421, 483–492
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee review, 411, 483, 488
- Fairless Committee discussion, 106
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 489–490
- National Intelligence Estimate, 205–212, 214
- National Security Council position, 422–431, 495–498
- Paris Consultative Group of Nations, coordination with, 207–209, 220–221, 243
- Soviet bloc, unilateral trade controls on, 424, 429–430, 492, 496–497
- Economic Intelligence Committee, 594–596, 598–599, 606, 613
- Eden, Anthony, 203, 245, 300, 308–312, 355–357, 359, 373
- Egypt (see also Suez crisis), 35, 103, 187, 638, 683–684, 686–687
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Atoms for Peace policy, 97
- Defense budget, 33–34
- East–West trade, 240–241, 301–303, 338–339, 470, 475–476
- Economic defense policy, 428
- Energy resources policy, 509–511, 532, 657
- European unification, 36–37
- Foreign economic policy, 132, 186, 528–529, 562
- Geneva Conference, 245
- International petroleum cartel, 657
- Multilateral trade controls, 302–303, 329–334, 349–354, 394n, 423–427, 442n, 455, 456n, 470, 478
- Mutual Security Program, 53, 56–62, 75–77, 100, 124, 126, 130, 174–175, 185–186, 188
- Oil imports, 660, 677–679, 691–694, 717, 721–722, 733, 736, 738
- Stockpiling, 556, 567–574, 704–705, 731–732
- Suez crisis, 630–635, 637–638, 644
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 665, 670, 685, 697
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 344n, 359n, 372n, 420n, 498–499, 642n, 651n, 751n
- Energy resources policy (see also
Oil imports; Suez
Crisis: effect on oil supplies):
[Page 761]
- Coal industry, 510–511, 516–518, 520
- Coke production, 517
- Middle East oil supplies, 594–596, 661–662, 665–666, 670–673
- U.S.–British discussions, 680–689, 734
- Minerals program, 689–690
- Natural gas, 509–510, 513–514
- Petroleum program, 515, 524, 532–533
- President’s Advisory Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources report, 509–518
- Tax incentives, 515–516
- Engle, Byron, 112
- Ethiopia, 24
- European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 14, 531, 624n
- European Payments Union (EPU), 21
- European Productivity Agency, 91
- Export–Import Bank, 24, 98–99, 136, 142, 146, 151–152, 171, 173–174, 194, 196, 517
- Fairless, Benjamin F., 102n, 118n, 122
- Fairless Committee, 100–106, 118–123, 126–127, 129–130
- Far East. See Asia.
- Faure, Edgar, 245
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 124
- Federal Power Commission, 513–514
- Federal Trade Commission, 615
- Finland, 67
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 88–89
- Flemming, Arthur S.:
- Foreign aid policy. See Mutual Security Program.
- Foreign economic policy (see also
Oil imports):
- Agricultural surpluses, 330, 332–334, 539–541
- Anti–trust laws, 525–529, 597, 605
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy reviews, 77–78, 529, 531–532, 543–546
- International commodity agreements, 534–546, 562
- Most–favored–nation status, 528–529, 672
- Private investments abroad, 12, 22, 132, 141, 145, 147–151, 182, 185–186, 194, 527
- Quota system, 526–527, 529–531
- Steel scrap exports, 530–531, 622–624
- Trade fairs, 188, 258
- U.N. role, 78
- Foreign Operations Administration (FOA), 4, 11n, 214–215, 234
- Foreign Petroleum Supply Committee, 597, 608, 613, 615, 618n, 619–621
- Foreign policy, U.S., 118–120
- Formosa. See China, Republic of.
- France (see also France, French, and tripartite subheadings under other subjects; Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 22, 32, 47, 90–91, 122, 323, 401, 525n, 597, 630–631
- Gamett, Gwynn, 254
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 518–520, 659, 665, 696, 712–713
- Geneva Conference, 13–14, 236–237, 245, 249–250, 252, 257–259, 263–264, 272
- George, Walter F., 75–76, 97, 126n, 190, 238
- German Democratic Republic (see also Soviet bloc), 252
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 21, 90–91, 248, 252, 289, 323, 363n, 368, 522–523
- Gleason, S. Everett, 15–16, 421–428, 525–529, 532–533, 628–629
- Gonzalez, Cesar, 677, 713–715, 752
- Goodkind, Louis W., 214n, 224n, 225, 233n, 242n, 251–252, 270n, 275n, 312n, 321n
- Goodman, Leo M., 734
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 313, 388n, 630n
- Graves, Hubert, 320–321
- Gray, Gordon:
- Greece (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 20–21, 449n, 469, 507n
- Green, Col., 471
- Green, Theodore F., 442
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 501
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 20
- Guatemala, 109, 116–117, 194
- Gulf Oil Corporation, 525n
- Gunkovaty, Jacqueline, 507
- Guthe, Otto E., 594–596
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 632–633, 653
- Hansen, Victor R., 669, 701n
- Harlow, Bryce N., 13n
- Harrison, Geoffrey, 273–274
- Hatoyama, Ichiro, 231n
- Hauge, Gabriel, 263, 264n
- Henderson, D., 506n
- Henderson, Loy W., 80
- Hensel, H. Struve, 216, 222
- Herter, Christian A., 140, 170–171, 188, 201, 432, 440–442, 715n, 745–746, 751n
- High Aswan Dam, 103, 187
- Hill, Robert C., 324n
- Hobby, Oveta Culp, 510
- Hodge, Charles L., 322n, 380n
- Hollister, John B.:
- Holman, Eugene, 657
- Hong Kong, 292, 297, 306, 311, 434
- Hoover, Herbert C., Jr., 375n
- Economic defense policy, 219, 233, 242
- Energy resources policy, 510, 519–520, 596n, 651–655
- International commodity agreements, 534, 535n
- Multilateral trade controls, 226, 227n, 269–272, 286, 324–325, 342–343, 345, 353, 367, 403–404
- Mutual Security Program, 1, 26, 31, 34, 71, 80, 83–85, 88, 90, 93
- Oil imports, 518–520, 533, 561, 597–598, 658, 667–669, 679, 701, 706, 708–709, 716, 749–750
- Stockpiling, 554, 559
- Suez crisis, 606, 612, 614n, 617, 618n, 630n, 631–635, 637, 640–646, 655
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 317n, 320n
- Houghton, Amory, 464n
- Howe, Fisher, 376n, 607n, 715n
- Hughes, Rowland R., 34, 58, 559
- Humphrey, George, 65–66
- East–West trade, 240, 339n
- Energy resources policy, 510–511
- Foreign economic policy, 78, 147, 526–528
- Multilateral trade controls, 348–354, 424–425, 427
- Mutual Security Program, 35–36, 44, 56–57, 60–62, 74, 80–82, 127–129, 131–132, 176–179, 185, 332–333
- Oil imports, 561, 669–670, 675–676, 701, 706–709, 731
- Stockpiling, 555–560, 568–570, 572–574
- Suez crisis, 632–635, 637–638
- Hungary, 404, 406–407, 409, 447, 644
- Iceland, 7, 9, 113, 116
- Iguchi, Sadao, 268
- Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), 658–659, 661, 666–667, 669, 676, 679, 724
- India, 28–31, 248, 292, 298
- Indochina, 34, 39, 47, 310
- Indonesia, 28–31, 306–307, 330, 540, 584, 630
- Interdepartmental Committee on Certain U.S. Aid Programs. See Prochnow Committee under Mutual Security Program.
- Interdepartmental Committee on the Soft Coal Industry, 516
- Interdepartmental Commodity Committees, 577
- Interdepartmental Materials Advisory Committee, 577, 586
- Interior, U.S. Department of the:
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 24, 136, 141–144, 151–152, 171, 173–174, 194, 196, 653
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA) (see also
Mutual Security Program), 15n, 46–49, 181
- Administration, 11n, 18–19, 80–82, 88–102, 163–164, 193, 196
- Colombo group, 95
- East–West trade, 313
- Fairless Committee report, 137–139, 144–146, 148–151, 153–160, 162–169
- Internal security programs, 50, 52, 107–117
- International commodity agreements, 543n
- Investment guarantee program, 22
- Labor programs, 91
- Multilateral trade controls, 390
- National Security Council and, 95
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation and, 94
- Treaty organizations and, 95
- International Cotton Advisory Center, 541
- International Court of Justice, 686
- International Development Advisory Board (IDAB), 42–43, 60–62, 170–174
- International Finance Corporation, 136
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 142, 634
- International Nickel Company, 523
- International petroleum cartel, 525, 657, 745–746
- International Sugar Agreement, 539, 540n, 562–565
- International Sugar Council, 563
- International Sugar Protocol, 565n
- International Tin Agreement, 540
- International Wheat Agreement, 539–540, 564
- Interstate Commerce Commission, 516
- Iran, 21, 28–31
- Iraq, 7, 9, 24, 116–117
- Ireland, 642–644, 647–657
- Israel, 24, 628n
- Italy (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating country subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 22, 95, 129–130, 323, 363n, 368, 376, 469, 471
- Jackson, Henry M., 316, 324, 636
- Jackson, William H., 124, 126–127
- Jacquin de Margerie, Roland, 267
- Japan (see also Japan and Japanese subheadings under other subjects; Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Partidpating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls):
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 190, 194, 197, 509
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 247n
- Johnson, William M., 618n
- Johnston, Eric, 42, 60–61, 100
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Jones, Howard, 134–137, 322n, 335–338, 359n, 372n, 375n, 397–398, 420n, 432
- Jordan, 192, 194, 680, 683–684
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 525–526, 528, 637
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 25n, 275n, 372n, 375n, 394n, 398n, 406n, 641n
- Kanematsu, Takeshi, 506–507
- Kendall, C.H., 673n
- Kendall, David W., 671
- Kerr, Robert S., 610
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 123, 198–199, 216, 357n, 358, 360, 362, 480
- Kimberling, Arthur E., 112
- Kirk, Roger, 596n
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone, 267, 273–274
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 449, 454, 472–474, 482
- Knoll, Jerry, 321n, 366n, 367n, 380n, 394n, 397–398, 405n, 406n, 420n, 443n, 449n
- Knowland, William, 14–15, 190, 194, 196
- Komer, Robert, 598n
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of. See under Multilateral trade controls.
- Korea, Republic of, 20, 53, 120, 282, 294–296, 455–456
- Korean war, 119, 183–184, 255, 485–486, 493
- Kotelawala, Sir, John, 135
- Krebs, Max V., 745n
- Kuwait, 648, 683–684, 687, 702
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 517
- Lacy, W.S.B., 507
- Landy, Pierre, 447–448, 506
- Laos (see also Indochina), 7, 9, 22, 27, 109, 111, 113, 116, 180, 294
- Latin America, 4, 7, 9, 24–25, 67, 186
- Lay, James S., Jr., 41, 330n, 394n, 400n, 418n, 428n, 442n
- Lebanon, 28–31, 683–684
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, 493–494
- Leonhart, William, 420n
- Lewis, John L., 118n, 122
- Liberia, 24
- Libya, 24, 67, 73, 188
- Lloyd, Selwyn:
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 68–74, 510, 632, 633n
- Lott, Vestel H., 613
- Ludlow, James M., 214n
- Luxembourg (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 469
- Lyon, Cecil, 89
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 1–5, 310, 339n, 358n, 372n, 449–450, 454, 473–474
- McCardle, Carl W., 324n
- McCarthy, Joseph R., 316, 324
- McClellan, Harold C., 286, 313, 379n, 380n
- McClellan, John L., 316, 318, 324, 426
- McConaughy, Walter P., 380n, 471–473
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 45–46, 96
- McKay, D. Vernon, 553–554
- Macmillan, Harold, 374, 657
- Macy, Loring K., 102–106
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 129
- Makins, Sir Roger, 339–341, 358, 365, 593–594
- Malaya, 293, 305–306, 309, 311, 341, 359, 361, 434, 540
- Malenkov, Georgi M., 216, 220
- Manchuria, 254
- Mann, Thomas C., 504–505
- Mansfield, Mike, 190, 196
- Maritime Commission, 682n
- Maritime Reserve Fleet, 597
- Mark, Louis, 471n
- Marshall Plan, 48, 104
- Marshall, David, 306
- Martin, I. Jack, 13n
- Mellor, John E., 219n
- Merchant, Livingston, 242n, 249, 250, 253, 264n, 267, 273, 275n
- Metzger, Stanley D., 518n
- Mexico, 598, 624, 704
- Middle East (see also Oil imports, restrictions on; Middle East oil supplies under Energy resources policy; specific countries; Suez crisis), 20
- Middle East Emergency Committee (MEEC), 618n, 629–630, 633–639, 642, 644–646, 734
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 216
- Military Assistance Advisory Groups, 82
- Military Petroleum Advisory Board, 524
- Minnich, L.A., Jr., 13–15, 509n, 561n, 721n, 731–732
- Mitchell, James P., 510, 706–708
- Moline, Edwin G., 372n, 375n, 380n, 420n, 619–621, 640n, 641n, 645n, 647–651, 653–654, 749–750
- Mollet, Guy, 463
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 237
- Monckton, Walter, 358
- Monroe Doctrine, 120
- Morocco, 188
- Morris, James A., 91
- Morse, True D., 562
- Muccio, John J., 113
- Mulliken, Jean H., 597n
- Multilateral trade controls (see also
East–West trade; Economic
defense policy):
- Atomic energy, 242, 299, 504
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Asia, U.S. influence in, 279–282, 294–296, 298, 309, 336–337, 425, 455–456, 485, 487
- British position, 207, 288n, 298, 302–303, 309–310, 322–323, 426, 470
- China, Republic of, effects on, 487
- CHINCOM meeting, 451, 458–459, 461–462, 466, 468–469
- Congressional attitudes, 256, 319, 339–340, 342–343, 345, 351–352, 354–355, 369, 376, 425, 440–442, 456
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy review, 229–231, 243–244, 485
- French position, 293, 322–323, 388, 398n, 399, 401, 451, 458–459, 471, 473, 476–477
- Importance of, 232–233, 492
- Italian position, 448, 471
- Japan, effects on, 208–209, 296–297, 302, 306, 310
- Japan, U.S. concessions to, 284, 287, 301, 309, 327, 329, 331, 350, 395, 423
- Japanese position, 212, 231, 243, 268, 287, 291, 293–296, 298, 323, 404, 432–433, 449, 470, 472–474
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 280–283, 479–482, 493–494
- National Intelligence Estimate, 205–212, 214
- National Security Council action, proposed, 471–473
- National Security Council discussions, 301–304, 348–356, 422–431
- Participating countries’ positions, 207–209, 211, 220, 231, 243, 322–323, 378–379, 395, 473
- Soviet–China, People’s Republic of, relations, 207–208, 295
- Special National Intelligence Estimate, 290–298
- Transit Authorization Certificate (TAC) system, 212
- Tripartite discussions, 265–267
- U.N. embargo resolution, 211, 248, 260, 281, 297
- Chinese People’s Republic, effects on, 206–211, 243, 255, 296, 307, 347, 479–480
- ‘China differential.’ See Chinese People’s Republic–Soviet bloc differential below.
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 294–295
- China, People’s Republic of–Soviet bloc
differential, 205, 207, 209, 221, 251,
- Belgian position, 299–300
- British position, 259n, 260–262, 266–267, 292–293, 309, 368, 418, 434–439, 441, 452–453, 460–461, 466–469
- British unilateral action, 273–275, 277–283, 291, 363, 371, 373
- Congressional discussion, 441
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy reviews, 213, 244
- End of, 471–475, 485–487
- French position, 247, 259n, 260–262, 323, 368, 441, 462, 469, 471
- Japanese position, 275, 249, 301, 337, 360, 450n, 453–455, 469, 472
- National Security Council discussions, 422, 426–427, 471–473
- Participating countries’ positions, 275, 293, 368–369, 373, 469, 471
- Tripartite discussion, 259n
- U.S. position, 218–219, 254–256, 276–277, 300–301, 322, 328–329, 381, 394, 416–418, 430–431, 455–456, 461–462, 496
- Control lists, revision of, 219–220, 229–231, 233, 254, 268, 326–328
- Control system (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations):
- Copper:
- British position, 235–236, 238, 271, 341, 358, 360, 362, 364–366, 368, 406n, 419, 498–499, 502–503
- East–West trade in, 223, 226–227, 269, 325, 336, 346–347, 349, 499
- German Federal Republic position, 269
- Japanese position, 337, 363n
- Quantitative controls, 340, 360–362, 363n, 385, 391, 396, 402–403
- U.S. position, 204, 287, 341–344, 349–350, 352–354, 357, 361, 368, 405–406, 408, 410, 426–427, 499–501
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy reviews, 326–330, 367–368, 370, 377–380, 384–385
- Exceptions procedure, 342, 378
- British jeep and tractor shipments, 269, 271–272, 375–376, 380–381, 399–400
- British position, 266, 361–362, 364, 374, 418, 434
- German Federal Republic position, 399–400, 407
- Italian position, 399–400
- Japanese position, 376, 385
- U.S. position, 350, 356–357, 361–364, 367–371, 382, 389, 392–393, 395–396, 399n, 408–410, 441, 446, 455
- History of, 211–212, 290–291
- Hungary, 404, 406–407, 409, 447
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (see also China, People’s Republic of above), 211–212, 290
- McCarthyism, 333
- Munitions, 242, 299, 504
- Mutual Security Program and, 134, 339–340, 351–352, 354–355, 497
- Neutral countries positions, 292, 294, 298
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization role, 481, 490, 497
- British position, 503
- Participating countries’ noncooperation, 226, 269–271, 331–332, 481, 489, 491–492
- Participating countries’ positions, 218, 220, 229–230, 243, 291–294, 297–298, 378–380
- Publicity, 324–325, 341, 345, 352–353, 362
- Re–export restrictions, 209, 212
- Rubber, 305–306, 309, 311, 327, 329, 340–342, 357, 361–362, 368, 460
- Shipping, 210–211, 223–225, 238, 396
- Southeast Asia, British relations with, 305–307, 359, 361–362
- Soviet bloc, 331–332
- British position, 261–262, 298, 325
- Congressional attitudes, 363n
- French position, 261–262
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy reviews, 213, 229–231
- French position, 388
- German Federal Republic position, 269
- Japanese position, 298, 337, 404
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 480–482
- National Security Council discussions, 302–304, 349–356, 424, 426–427
- Participating countries’ positions, 298
- Soviet economic policy, changes in, 216–220, 252–254, 288–289
- U.S. negotiating objectives, 328, 371, 383, 407–410, 439
- Soviet bloc, effects on, 480
- Soviet bloc position, 294–295
- Soviet position, 237, 360–361, 501–502
- Soviet Union, effects on, 218, 221–223, 237, 242–243, 346–347
- Suez crisis, 399, 401, 403, 406–407, 409, 447
- Tripartite agreements, 257, 260–261
- United Kingdom, effects on, 302–303, 307–308, 375, 419, 455
- United States, effects on, 302–304
- U.S. bilateral discussions, 248, 447–449, 506–508
- U.S.–British negotiations (see also
British unilateral action
China, People’s Republic of–Soviet bloc
Paris Consultative Group of Nations: Meeting, proposed; U.S.
negotiating objectives
China, People’s Republic of
above), 203–204, 248,
285, 344–345, 439, 457
- Battle Act, 260, 459–460
- British technical information requests, 349, 351
- China, People’s Republic of, U.N. membership, 436–438
- COCOM control lists, 358
- Criteria review proposal, 500–501, 504–505
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy report, 286–287, 302
- Dulles–Lloyd negotiations, 304–308, 343–344, 360–366, 368, 405–406, 434–438, 450, 458, 464–465, 498–502
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee control list review, 315–318, 320–321, 326–327, 339–342
- Eisenhower–Eden negotiations, 308–312, 315, 357, 359
- Eisenhower–Macmillan correspondence, 457, 460–461, 467–468
- Generators, 223
- Geneva Conference and, 261–262
- Jeeps and tractors, 271, 375–376, 380–381, 399–400
- Rolling mills, 224, 235, 238
- Snipping, 223–225, 238
- U.S.–China, People’s Republic of, talks, 247, 249, 267, 329
- U.S. delays, 342
- U.S.–French negotiations, 463–464
- U.S. interim proposals, 385–387, 390–396, 399, 400–404, 410–413, 420–421, 443–447, 453, 458
- U.S. position, 415–418, 428–431
- U.S. pressure on nonparticipants, 213, 215
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 291, 424, 428, 431n, 498n
- Watch List, 465
- Mundt, Karl E., 316, 324
- Murphy, Robert D., 80, 224–226, 250–252, 376n, 380, 505n, 645n, 667n, 669–671, 674
- Muscat, 686
- Mutual Security Act. See under Congress: U.S.: Acts Of.
- Mutual Security Program (see also
Private investment abroad
Foreign economic policy; specific countries and areas):
- Administration of, 92–93, 136–137, 178
- Allocation of aid, 78, 87, 126, 177, 180–184, 192–193, 200–201
- Base rights rentals, 188
- Bipartisan Congressional meeting, 190–197
- Budget for, 19, 25, 34–35, 38–40, 49, 55–59, 76–77, 127–128, 134, 169–170, 190–197
- China, People’s Republic of, aid to developing countries, 187–188
- Collective security system membership as condition, 142, 158–159
- Economic aid program, 23–25, 46–49, 103–104, 134–135, 168–169, 332–333
- Agricultural surpluses, 12, 91, 93, 99, 103, 121, 143, 159–161, 171
- Atomic energy, 30, 97–98
- Development aid, 24, 157–158, 170, 182, 184, 186
- Development Loan Fund proposal, 171–174, 181, 193–194, 196–198
- Emergency aid, 95, 101, 193
- International Development Advisory Board report, 170–174
- Technical aid, 24, 105, 171–172, 193–194
- 50–50 clause, 103
- Grant aid, 155–158
- Interdepartmental Committee on Certain U.S. Aid Programs. See Prochnow Committee below.
- Investment guarantee program, 22, 145, 149–150, 184
- Joint assistance programs, 105–106, 156–157, 178
- Loan policy, 141–143, 152–155, 175
- Loans vs. grants, 12, 14, 35, 100, 135–136, 186, 194, 196, 198
- Military aid program, 17–23, 37–39, 45–46, 48, 104–105, 156, 193, 195
- Multilateral trade controls and, 134, 339–340, 351–352, 354–355, 497
- Mutual Defense Assistance Programs, 17–18, 95–96, 115
- Military pacts and, 145
- National Security Council:
- Neutral countries, 11, 14–15, 47, 82–83, 103
- Presidential Grant and Contingency Fund, 173
- Prochnow Committee, 25–28, 43–44, 52–53, 85–87, 121, 124–127
- Publicity, 97, 124, 201
- Senate Special Committee to Study the Foreign Aid Program, 126, 170
- Socialism, encouragement or, 29–30, 35–36, 65–67, 98–99, 176–177, 183
- Soviet bloc aid to developing countries, 28–31, 38, 42, 48, 53–54, 64–71, 103, 134, 185, 187–188, 198–200
- Treaty organizations and, 20, 192, 195
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 613n, 633, 643, 646, 683
- National Advisory Council on International Financial and Monetary Affairs, 152
- National Intelligence Estimate, NIE 100–55, 205–212, 214
- National Security Council:
- Actions:
- No. 766, 524
- No. 1200, 524
- No. 1263, 524
- No. 1290–d, 1, 2n, 4–9, 49, 107–117
- No. 1292, 415, 422
- No. 1356, 529, 531–532
- No. 1402, 533
- No. 1419, 239
- No. 1471, 560–561, 565, 573
- No. 1479, 33
- No. 1480, 36–37
- No. 1486, 62–64, 107–108, 124
- No. 1487, 348, 422
- No. 1494, 286, 301, 348
- No, 1498, 574–575
- No. 1511, 303–304, 348, 422
- No. 1536, 334–335, 345, 347
- No. 1540, 356, 400–401, 422
- No. 1560, 124n
- No. 1581, 83
- No. 1624, 133
- No. 1629, 635–636
- No. 1632, 638–639
- No. 1675, 180
- No. 1677, 427–428, 490
- No. 1703, 189
- No. 1728, 703
- No. 1747, 705–707
- No. 1780, 493, 494
- No. 1812, 198
- No. 1828, 202
- Documents:
- NSC 97/6, 531–533
- NSC 152/3, 228–229, 231, 348, 377, 379, 384, 420, 422
- NSC 5414/1, 351, 555, 559–560, 565, 702, 705
- NSC 5429/5, 203, 214, 228–229, 231, 275–276, 301, 348, 379, 384, 422
- NSC 5501, 2, 30, 551, 557, 565, 574
- NSC 5509, 22
- NSC 5524, 239–241
- NSC 5525, 15–25
- NSC 5602/1, 180, 703
- NSC 5610, 124
- NSC 5611, 126
- NSC 5704, 415–418, 420–428
- NSC 5704/1, 428–432, 441n, 468, 471–472, 482, 484–485, 490, 491
- NSC 5704/2, 489n, 490–494
- NSC 5704/3, 495–498
- NSC 5707/5, 180–189, 198
- NSC 5707/8, 702, 703
- East–West trade, 236, 239–241, 301–304, 330–335, 345–347
- Energy resources policy, 532–533, 628–639, 717, 720, 735–736
- Foreign economic policy, 525–529
- International petroleum cartel, 525
- Meetings:
- Multilateral trade controls, 276, 285, 301–304, 348–356, 362n, 367–368, 382, 387, 422–431, 453, 471–473, 491–498
- Mutual Security Program, 17–25, 45–49, 52–67, 79–82, 124–126, 184–186, 188–189, 198
- Stockpiling, 552–561, 566–575, 577, 703–706
- Actions:
- Nationalism, 191
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 578
- Near East. See Middle East.
- Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal, 82
- Nelson, Stuart D., 270n
- Nepal, 24
- Netherlands (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 22, 90–91, 323, 449n, 469, 507n, 525n, 597
- Netherlands West Indies, 666
- Neutralism, 11, 47, 79, 82–83, 103, 116, 135
- New Caledonia, 523
- Nichols, Clarence W., 518n, 534n, 622–624
- Nixon, Richard M., 28–32, 509, 557, 559–560, 630
- North Atlantic Council, 255–256, 259–262, 264–265, 391, 404
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 20, 119, 192, 195, 417, 431
- Norway (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 36, 67, 90–91, 323, 407, 449n, 469, 507n
- Nugent, Julian L., 751n
- Ockey, William C., 359n, 397–398
- O’Connell, James T., 731
- Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM):
- Ogawa, Haishiro, 506–507
- Ohly, John H., 26, 46–47, 108–109, 137–139
- Oil Emergency (London) Advisory Committee (OELAC), 640–642
- Oil imports, restrictions on, 546–549, 610–612, 656, 691–693, 706–710, 717–720, 735–736
- Anti–trust laws, 510, 701, 709–710
- Canadian and Venezuelan oil, 518–519, 548–549, 597–598, 600, 611, 626–627, 675, 677, 679, 696–697, 708–710, 712–715, 718, 721–722, 749–753
- Import quotas, 697–698, 701, 706–709, 712
- Middle East, 697–698, 702, 708, 718–721, 733, 736–738
- President’s Advisory Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy, 510–511, 514–515, 520, 527, 533, 546–549, 600–602, 610–612, 625–627, 658–671, 673–676, 679, 691, 730n, 744
- Selective tariff, 671–673, 706–707, 721
- Special Committee investigation, 693–694, 701, 706–713, 715–717, 721–731, 736, 739–741, 746–747, 751
- State Department report, 695–700
- Trade agreements, 518–520, 659, 665, 696–698, 713
- Voluntary restrictions, 510, 520, 527, 561, 675–680, 691–692, 696, 706–710, 713, 723–724, 728, 739–744, 746–748
- U.S.–Canadian discussions, 722, 751–752
- U.S.–Venezuelan discussions, 713–715, 752–753
- Oldham, Charles C., 112
- O’Mahoney, Joseph C., 671, 691–692
- Oman, 686
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 1–10, 26–28, 49–52, 107, 333–334
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 21, 91n, 94, 629, 632, 636–637, 639–642, 644, 649, 734
- Organization of American States (OAS), 106
- Ortona, Egidio, 447–448
- Overby, Andrew N., 26
- Pakistan, 20–21, 79n
- Palestine Refugee Program, 25n
- Pappano, Albert E., 671n
- Paris Consultative Group of Nations (see
also Control system and Participating countries subheadings under
Multilateral trade controls):
- British influence on, 207
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy position, 230
- History of, 211–212, 290
- Meeting, proposed, 270–271
- British position, 317, 368, 403, 407n, 418
- French position, 247, 249–250, 407n
- German Federal Republic position, 407
- Japanese position, 507
- Participating countries positions, 407n
- U.S. bilateral discussions, 248, 506–508
- U.S. position, 249, 251, 255–256, 268, 317–319, 360, 369–370, 389, 396, 403, 407, 409, 478
- NATO and, 328, 371, 402, 490
- Tripartite collaboration, 249
- Parsons, Marcelis C., 335n
- Pearson, Drew, 124
- Peaslee, Amos J., 81
- Perkins, George, 259–262, 404–405
- Persian Gulf, 666, 686
- Persian Gulf sheikhdoms, 683–684
- Persons, Maj. Gen. Wilton B., 11, 13n, 331, 691–693
- Philippines, 22, 79n, 294–295, 455–456, 492 [Page 772]
- Phleger, Herman, 653
- Pinay, Antoine, 265–266
- Pineau, Christian P., 463, 464n
- Porter, Gen. Robert W., 2n
- Portugal (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 90–91, 323, 449n, 469, 507n
- Potter, Charles J., 625
- Potter, Margaret H., 518n
- President’s Advisory Committee on Energy and Resources Policy, 509–518, 527
- President’s Citizen Advisers for Mutual Security. See Fairless Committee.
- President’s Fund for Asian Economic Development, 12n, 25n
- President’s Materials Policy Commission, 663
- Prochnow, Herbert V. (see also Prochnow Committee), 324n, 562n, 622
- Prochnow Committee, 25–28, 43–44, 52–53, 85–87, 96n, 121, 124–127, 284, 286
- Quarles, Donald A., 190, 195–196, 199–200, 428n, 709, 711–713, 731
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 31, 33–34, 132, 557–559, 638, 712
- Rand, William, 88, 101
- Randall, Clarence, 418n, 468n, 622n
- Randall Commission, 61
- Rankin, Karl, 79–80
- Rayburn, Sam, 190, 192, 197
- Recto, Claro M., 129
- Reid, Whitelaw, 118n, 122–123
- Reufels, Josef, 506
- Rhee, Synghman, 56, 129, 184
- Rhodesia, 498–499, 501, 503, 521
- Richards, James P., 75–77, 97, 670
- Ritchie, A.E., 750
- Robbins, Laurence B., 690
- Robertson, Norman A., 722
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 129–130, 309
- Robertson, Walter, 242n, 250–251, 253, 268, 275n, 284–285, 306–307, 380n, 420n, 455–456, 471, 505n
- Rockwell, Stuart W., 746–748
- Rogers, William, 706–707, 709–713
- Romania, 269
- Rose, H. Chapman, 29
- Ross, E.A., 25n
- Rountree, William M., 596n, 604n, 680–689, 702, 746
- Rowan, Leslie, 304–307
- Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., 659n, 713n, 714n
- Russell, Richard B., 190, 195–196, 318
- Rutherford, M. Robert, 658n, 667–671, 674–680
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 14, 190, 196
- Sanderson, Lubert O., 420n
- Satterthwaite, Livingston, 2n
- Saud ibn Abd al–Aziz, King, 633–634, 637, 652
- Saudi Arabia, 188, 629, 633–634, 637–638, 652–653, 683, 685–687
- Sawyer, Charles, 76
- Schwartz, Harry, 605
- Scott, Robert, 519
- Seaton, Fred A., 617, 630n, 690, 712, 715–716, 722n, 731
- Sebald, William J., 214n, 359n
- Shaw, John F., 702n, 748n
- Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 248, 254
- Shima, Shigenobu, 335, 360, 397–398
- Shimoda, Takeso, 447, 449
- Shuckburgh, C.A.E., 519
- Silver, Warren A., 214n
- Silvercruys, Baron, 299–300
- Singapore, 292, 305–306
- Smith, James, 198–199
- Smith, R.G.C., 447–448, 506
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 118n
- Socony Mobile, 740
- Socony–Vacuum Oil Company of California, 525n, 745–746
- Sohm, Earl D., 647
- South Asia, U.S. military and economic aid to, 19, 25
- South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 2–3, 120, 192, 195, 281, 305
- Southeast Asia, 305–307, 310, 359, 361–362, 492
- Southern European Task Force (SETAF), 129–130, 132
- Soviet bloc (see also East–West trade; Multilateral trade controls; Soviet and Soviet bloc subheadings under other subjects; Soviet Union):
- Soviet Union (see also
East–West trade; Multilateral
trade controls; Soviet and Soviet bloc
subheadings under other subjects;
Soviet bloc):
- Atomic energy, 377
- Belgium, relations with, 67
- Burma, trade with, 135
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 207–208, 218, 289, 293, 295, 407, 409
- Economic policy, 216–220, 252–254, 288–289
- Economic situation, 237, 377
- Foreign policy, 118, 123
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 248
- Impact of industrialization on developing countries, 29, 33, 64–65, 182
- Military capabilities, 195
- United Kingdom, relations with, 226, 357–358, 360–362
- United States, relations with, 118, 251–252
- U.S. joint foreign aid proposal, 70, 72–74
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 14, 119
- Spaak, Paul–Henri, 299
- Spain, 19, 21–22, 39, 91, 119, 121, 123, 523
- Special Committee to Investigate Crude Oil Imports, 693–694, 701, 706–713, 715–717, 721–731, 736, 739–741, 746–747, 751
- Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 100–56, 290–298
- Sprague, Mansfield, 190, 195–196
- Staats, Elmer B., 49, 51–52, 107n
- Stambaugh, John, 91
- Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), 525n, 745–746
- Stassen, Harold E., 93, 213n, 214, 216, 225, 240–241, 570
- Stearns, Monteagle, 596n
- Stelle, Charles C., 5
- Stewart, Hugh A., 589, 602–604, 606, 608–609, 612–616, 619, 670, 674, 734
- Stibravy, William J., 214n
- Stockpiling, 500, 520–523, 539, 550–551, 572, 574n, 575–589, 731–732
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 81
- Streibert, Theodore C., 66, 82
- Sturgill, Robert C., 597n
- Sudan, 67
- Suez Canal. See Middle East oil supplies under Energy resources policy; Suez crisis.
- Suez Canal Convention of 1888, 593
- Suez crisis, 470, 620, 653
- Effect on oil supplies, 598–599, 602–603, 628–639, 645–646, 661, 665–666, 687–688, 707,
714, 718
- Contingency planning, 589–594, 596–597, 603–609, 612–618
- Suez Canal nationalization, 619–621
- U.S. anti–trust laws, 630, 634–635, 637, 642, 644
- U.S.–British discussions, 593–594, 597, 603–605, 617, 640–641, 655
- U.S.–Irish discussion, 647–657
- U.S. response, 629–641, 655
- Western European balance of payments, 599, 603, 608–609, 629
- Multilateral trade controls and, 399, 401, 403, 406–407, 409, 447
- Effect on oil supplies, 598–599, 602–603, 628–639, 645–646, 661, 665–666, 687–688, 707,
714, 718
- Sumatra, 630
- Sun Oil Company, 741
- Supreme Court, U.S., 510
- Sweden, 36, 65, 211, 293
- Switzerland, 293
- Symington, Stuart, 316, 324, 731
- Syria, 7, 9, 28–31, 630–, 638, 683–684, 687
- Taber, John, 190, 196
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Tapp, Jesse W., 118n
- Tariff Commission, 690
- Taviani, Paolo E., 130
- Texas Company, 525n
- Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, 658
- Thailand, 79n, 82, 294–295, 330, 455–456, 492, 540
- Thibodeaux, Ben H., 589
- Thorneycroft, Peter, 204, 358
- Thorold, G., 459, 502, 504–505
- Timmons, Benson E.K., III, 372n, 420n
- Toner, Albert P., 657n
- Transport Policy Committee, 511
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the:
- Trieste, 21
- Tripartite Statement on the Nationalization of the Universal Suez Canal Company, 620
- Tucker, Robert W., 322n, 397–398, 420n
- Turkey (see also Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under Multilateral trade controls), 20–21, 28–31, 121, 593
- United Kingdom (see also British, tripartite, United
Kingdom, and U.S.–British subheadings under other subjects;
Paris Consultative Group of Nations; Participating countries subheadings under
Multilateral trade controls):
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 122, 305, 323
- Economic situation, 376, 419, 455, 603, 634–635, 638
- Iranian oil settlement, 525n
- Labor Party, 293
- Malaya, relations with, 305–306
- Oil supplies. See Middle East oil supplies under Energy resources policy; Suez crisis.
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 652–653, 683, 685–687
- Singapore, relations with, 305–306
- Southeast Asia, relations with, 305–307, 359, 361–362
- Soviet Union, relations with, 226, 357–358, 360–362
- Suez crisis, 620, 628n, 631–635, 639–640, 643–644
- United States, relations with, 22, 282–283, 293, 333, 349, 351, 354, 374, 394, 420, 435
- United Nations:
- Persian Gulf, 686
- Resolution 500 (V), 211
- Suez crisis, 594, 632–634, 640, 643–644
- U.S. foreign economic policy, role in, 78
- U.S.–Soviet joint foreign aid proposal, 70, 72–74
- United Nations Relief and Reconstruction Agency, 72
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 35, 82, 116–117, 645–646
- Vaughan, Joseph F., 546n
- Vaughey, William M., 679
- Venezuela:
- Vietnam, 120, 255, 486
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 291, 424, 428, 431n, 498n
- Vietnam, Republic of, 79n, 294–295, 455–456, 492
- Vorys, John M., 14–15, 190, 197
- Wang Ping–nan, 247n
- Warren, J. Ed, 625, 658, 667–668
- Waugh, Samuel C., 28, 98, 216, 219–221, 236, 250, 253–254, 518–521, 534n
- Weeks, Sinclair:
- Wensinger, Maj. Gen. W.W., 2n
- Western Europe:
- Economic situation, 21
- Oil supplies. See Middle East oil supplies; Suez crisis.
- U.S. military and economic aid, 19, 185
- Western European Union, 12
- Whitehouse, Charles S., 439n, 459n
- Whitney, John Hay, 418–419, 451–452, 457
- Wilcox, Francis O., 681n
- Wilkin, Robert N., 625
- Williams, Walter, 483n, 484–487, 493
- Willoughby, Woodbury, 502n
- Willys–Overland Corporation, 269, 271
- Wilson, Brig. Gen. James K., 46
- Wilson, Charles E., 235, 333–334, 350–351, 510–511
- World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- Wright, Robert B., 275n, 367n, 375n, 380n, 385n, 386n, 387n, 405n, 406n, 412n, 440n, 447n, 464n, 476n, 477n, 498n, 504n
- Yeh, George, 234
- Yemen, 653
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 231n
- Yugoslavia, 11, 14–15, 19, 21, 39–40, 91, 119, 123, 187
- Zaroubin, Georgi N., 507