62. Editorial Note
During the Heads of Government Meeting at Geneva, July 18–23, the specific subject of East-West trade was not discussed. The Department informed all diplomatic missions in Europe, as well as Tokyo, of this fact in circular airgram 1163, August 9: “While the specific subject of ‘East-West Trade’ was not discussed during the Conference of Heads of Government in Geneva, it was an integral part of the statements on ‘The Development of Economic and Cultural Contacts Between East and West’ by President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Eden, Prime Minister Faure and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. Bulganin.” The circular airgram included texts of each of those statements and the final directive of the Heads of Government to the Foreign Ministers. (Department of State, Central Files, 460.509/8–955)
In circular airgram 1267 to Paris and London, August 12, the Department explained that it desired to inform the other Participating Countries in the Consultative Group of the agreed United States-British-French position paper on East-West trade. This tripartite position paper was drafted just prior to the Geneva Conference, and the Department believed that the other Participating Countries might find it useful. Accordingly, the Department instructed the Embassies in Paris and London to deliver to the appropriate Foreign Office official a draft statement regarding the agreed tripartite position paper along with an “urgent request” that the United Kingdom and France cosponsor such a notification in COCOM. (Ibid., 460.509/8–1255) For documentation on the Geneva Heads of Government Meeting, see volume V, pages 119 ff.