56. Editorial Note
On April 21, Joseph Dodge transmitted the Steering Committee report on East-West trade to James S. Lay for the information of the National Security Council. (Department of State, S/P–NSC Files: Lot 61 D 167, Economic Defense Policy) Lay transmitted the report to [Page 235] the NSC that same day under cover of a brief memorandum. The memorandum noted that the CFEP recommendation would be considered at the Council meeting scheduled for May 5. (Ibid.)
On April 29, the Joint Chiefs of Staff submitted a memorandum to Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson regarding the Steering Committee report. The JCS noted that the reaffirmation of existing NSC directives on East-West trade, as recommended by the Steering Committee, “would be acceptable from a military point of view and accordingly recommend that you concur in the proposed action.” (Ibid.) On May 3, Lay transmitted the JCS memorandum to the NSC under cover of a brief memorandum. (Ibid.)
The NSC meeting on economic defense policy that had been scheduled for May 5 was subsequently postponed.