178. Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State1
2881. Kishi opened discussion CHINCOM by noting events had taken “unexpected turn” during his absence.2 He felt it most regrettable that nations had not been able reach agreement. He understood however that talks in Paris would continue and expressed hope free nations would be able recapture unity on issue. He said he felt [Page 474] strongly that free world nations must refrain from any actions likely threaten their unity.
I said I would report his views on CHINCOM which I knew would be appreciated. I said I would also appreciate any specific information Kishi might care to give regarding Japan’s present plans for licensing exports and position to be taken in future CHINCOM discussions Paris.
In reply Kishi, who evidently has been well briefed on subject, said he could assure me Japan would refrain from taking in immediate future any such drastic measures as UK. As temporary measure Japan would follow general lines of compromise Plan “A”, which he understood had been supported by US and majority members CHINCOM. He said however that this was for time being and that because of strong sympathy and support public opinion and influential business circles for UK action and concern over future Japan’s China trade in light thereof, it would be difficult to maintain indefinitely. Kishi reiterated, however, that he believed it essential that any action likely to destroy free world solidarity must be avoided.