List of Abbreviations and Symbols
Editor’s Note: This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- A, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Administration, Department of State
- A/MS, Management Staff, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
- ACC, Administrative Committee on Coordination
- ACEP, Advisory Committee on Export Policy
- AEC, Atomic Energy Commission
- ANZUS, Australia, New Zealand, United States
- ARA, Bureau of Inter–American Affairs, Department of State
- Benelux, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
- BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- BOT, Board of Trade (United Kingdom)
- C, Office of the Counselor, Department of State
- CA, circular airgram; Office of Chinese Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- CAB, Civil Aeronautics Board
- CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture
- CEA, Council of Economic Advisers
- CFEP, Council on Foreign Economic Policy
- CG, Consultative Group, based in Paris, consisting of nations working to control the export of strategic goods to Communist countries
- CHINCOM, China Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (CG)
- ChiNat, Chinese Nationalist, i.e., Republic of China
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CICT, Commission on International Commodity Trade
- cirtel, circular telegram
- COCOM, Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (CG)
- CP, Contracting Party (Parties)
- CSC, Civil Service Commission
- CSD, Commodities Division, Office of International Resources (1957), Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- D, member of the Democratic Party in the United States
- del, delegate; delegation
- Delga, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly; also used to refer to the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- Dento, series indicator for telegrams sent from the Denver White House
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- DFI, Division of Functional Intelligence, Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State
- DLF, Development Loan Fund
- DMB, Defense Mobilization Board
- DOD, Department of Defense
- DPA, Defense Production Act
- Dulte, series indicator for telegrams from Secretary Dulles when away from Washington
- E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- ECAFE, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, United Nations
- ECE, Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations
- ECLA, Economic Commission for Latin America, United Nations
- ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council, United Nations
- ECSC, European Coal and Steel Community
- ED, Investment and Development Staff, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- EE, Office of Eastern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EEC, European Economic Community
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- EPU, European Payments Union
- ETAP, Expanded Technical Assistance Program
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EURATOM, European Atomic Energy Community
- Ex–Im Bank, Export–Import Bank
- FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigaton
- FCDA, Federal Civil Defense Administration
- FCN, Friendship, Commerce and Navigation (treaty)
- FE, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- FEF, United States Information Agency News Release number
- FOA, Foreign Operations Administration (after June 30, 1955, International Cooperaton Administraton (ICA))
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FY, fiscal year
- FYI, for your information
- G, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of State
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- GADel, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly; also used to refer to the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- GARIOA, Government and and Relief in Occupied Areas
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GRC, Government of the Republic of China
- H, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations
- H.R.I, Trade Agreement Extension Act of 1955 (after June 21, 1955, it became Public Law 86)
- IA–ECOSOC, Inter–American Economic and Social Council
- IAC, Intelligence Advisory Committee
- IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency
- IATA, International Air Transport Association
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ICA, International Cooperation Administration
- ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization
- ICASD, Interagency Committee on Agriculural Surplus Disposal
- ICC, International Control Commission; Interstate Commerce Commission
- ICCICA, Interim Coodinating Committee for International Commodity Agreements
- ICICI, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India, Ltd.
- ICJ, International Court of Justice
- IDAB, International Development Advisory Board
- IFC, International Finance Corporation
- IGY, International Geophysical Year
- ILA, International Longshoremen’s Association
- ILO, International Labor Organization, United Nations
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- IO, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- IPAA, Independent Petroleum Association of America
- IPC, Iran Petroleum Company
- IRD, International Resources Division, Office of International Trade and Resources, Department of State
- ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- ITO, International Trade Organization
- ITR, Office of International Trade and Resources, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- LA, Latin America
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MDAP, Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- MEEC, Middle East Emergency Committee
- MSP, Mutual Security Program
- mytel, my telegram
- NAC, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems; North Atlantic Council
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State
- NGO, non-government organization
- niact, night action, communication indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
- NNSC, Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission
- NSC, National Security Council
- OAS, Organization of American States
- OCB, Operations Coordinating Board
- ODM, Office of Defense Mobilization
- OEEC, Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- OELAC, Oil Emergency (London) Advisory Committee
- OF, Office of Finance, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Budget and Finance
- OFD, Office of Financial and Development Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- OIR, Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State
- OR, Office of International Resources, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- OIT, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce
- OTC, Organization for Trade Cooperation
- PAB, Public Advisory Board for Mutual Security
- PAO, public affairs officer
- PAU, Pan American Union
- PC, participating countries
- PL, Public Law
- POL, petrolem, oil, lubricants
- R, Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State; member of the Republican Party in the United States
- RA, Office of Eurpean Regional Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- reftel, reference telegram
- Res., Resolution of the United Nations
- ROC, Republic of China
- ROK, Republic of Korea
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- SC, Security Council of the United Nations
- SEATO, South East Asia Treaty Organization
- Secto, series indicator for telegrams from the Secretary of State (or his delegation) at international conferences to the Department of State
- Sen., Senator
- SETAF, Southern European Task Force
- SHAPE, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe
- SONJ, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
- S. Res., Senate Resolution
- SUNFED, Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
- SYG, Secretary-General
- TAB, Technical Assistance Board, United Nations
- TAC, Technical Assistance Committee, United Nations; Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements (Trade Agreements Committee); Transit Authorization Certificate
- TAD, Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Office of International Trade and Resources, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- Tedul, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of State to Secretary of State Dulles when away from Washington
- TG, Government of Thailand
- TO, Table of Organization
- Toden, series indicator for telegrams sent to the Denver White House
- Topol, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of State to the United States Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council
- Tosec, series indicator for telegrams sent from the Department of State to the Secretary of State (or his delegation) at international conferences
- U, Office of the Under Secretary of State
- UK, United Kingdom
- UKDel, United Kingdom Delegation
- UN, United Nations
- UNC, United Nations Command
- UNCOP, United Nations Corps for Observation and Patrol
- UNCURK, United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea
- UNEF, United Nations Emergency Force
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNICEF, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
- UNKRA, United Nations Korea Reconstruction Agency
- UNP, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- UNRWA, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- UNTA, United Nations Technical Assistance Program
- urtel, your telegram
- USGADel, United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- USA, United States Army
- USAF, United States Air Force
- USIA, United States Information Agency
- USIS, United States Information Service
- USOM, United States Operations Mission
- USN, United States Navy
- USRO, United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations; United States Regional Organizations
- USUN, United States Mission at the United Nations
- WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State; Western Europe
- WEU, Western European Union
- WHO, World Health Organization, United Nations
- WP, Working Party (member of intersessional committee set up under GATT)