75. Letter From the Under Secretary of State (Hoover) to the Ambassador in Honduras (Willauer)1
Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have received your letter of November 30, 1956 regarding current problems in Honduras, and I appreciate your interest in keeping me informed of your views.
With respect to the request for financial assistance to the Government of Honduras, I am told that your Economic Officer, Mr. Roy I. Kimmel, has already presented your proposals directly to the [Page 170] Acting Assistant Secretary, Mr. Rubottom. He and his staff are currently attempting to determine what aspects of the proposed program are feasible under current policies. Mr. Kimmel is also in consultation with the appropriate officials in the International Cooperation Administration, which has the responsibility for administering the Smathers Amendment Funds, and with the Export-Import Bank.
You and the members of your staff have kept the Department well informed regarding the problems of Honduras and the nation’s importance relative to the Central American scene. The Department has followed with interest the developments of the past few months which have resulted in the emergence of the new junta government. We are hopeful that the new leadership can make substantial progress toward resolving the constitutional and economic problems which have plagued Honduras.
I have asked Mr. Rubottom to look into the items you specifically mention and to communicate with you directly when appropriate.
You may be certain that the Department will give all possible consideration to your request. Every effort will be made to assist Honduras in a manner consistent with our policies and in relation to our obligations in Latin America and elsewhere in the world.
Sincerely yours,
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 715.00/11–3056. Secret; Official–Informal. Drafted by Wollam.↩