586. Telegram From the Ambassador in Venezuela (McIntosh) to the Department of State1
623. Immediately following normal courtesy visit to President yesterday afternoon by Admiral Radford,2 myself, and Service Attachés, Venezuelans staged surprise formal conference at Miraflores attended by all above plus Mazzei,3 Fernandez4 and four Venezuelan service chiefs. During 1 hour 25 minute meeting President Mazzei and Fernandez spoke, Admiral Radford and I were invited comment.
President made following points:
- 1.
- Reaffirmed Venezuelan-US friendship, Venezuelan importance to US and free world as sources strategic materials and as market for US goods.
- 2.
- Reaffirmed Venezuela’s anti-Communist posture and support for US efforts against international communism.
- 3.
- Stated Venezuela’s desire improve her armed forces in order be able contribute effective help in case world conflict.
- 4.
- Asserted Venezuela has no aggressive designs on any her neighbors but considers she has interest in adjoining British and Dutch possessions which should be given consideration.
- 5.
- Venezuela prefers obtain her military equipment requirements in US and will continue seek her equipment there. However Venezuela has had numerous difficulties delays in obtaining US equipment. He made clear that if military equipment desired by Venezuela not made available readily by US it will be purchased elsewhere. Mazzei and Fernandez reiterated President’s remarks re difficulties obtaining US equipment. Fernandez stressed difficulties in spare parts procurement. Mazzei made unelaborated statement indicating belief that 1956 staff talks agreement too complicated, should be simplified.
Admiral Radford briefly described world situation, difficulties involved in coordinating and meeting US global military commitments including equipment needs. Assured President he was aware Venezuelan desires and that in view improved world situation he could promise improved attention to Venezuelan equipment requirements.
He merely expressed satisfaction over excellent state US-Venezuelan relations.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.31/5–1757. Secret.↩
- Admiral Radford was visiting several Latin American countries for discussions relating to military assistance programs. Regarding this trip, see vol. VI, Documents 47–49.↩
- Brigadier General Oscar Mazzei Carta, Venezuelan Minister of Defense.↩
- Colonel Rómulo Fernandez, Chief of Staff of the Venezuelan Armed Forces.↩