563. Editorial Note
On January 4, 1955, Venezuelan President Pérez Jiménez informed Ambassador Fletcher Warren that he favored reopening the military staff conversations with the United States initiated in March 1951. The objective of these conversations was to ensure the security of the Venezuelan oil system through a combined United States-Venezuelan defense effort. (Department of State, Central Files, 731.5–MSP/1–455) The talks had been stalled principally because of other United States defense priorities and various technical problems relating to credit terms for Venezuela’s payment for military equipment required for the defense effort. Preparations for the formal meetings with the Venezuelans began in February 1955 and continued throughout the year. Documentation concerning the deliberations of the Commander in Chief, Caribbean; the component commanders; the Army, Navy, and Air Force Mission Chiefs in Venezuela; and Embassy representatives is Ibid., Caracas Embassy Files, 1948–1956: Lot 64 F 14, 400 Defense Talks. Periodic progress reports on the preparations are Ibid., Central File 731.5–MSP for 1955.