383. Editorial Note
As part of a general visit to five South American countries, Assistant Secretary Holland and Samuel C. Waugh, President of the Export-Import Bank, visited Chile November 25–27. In a memorandum of December 12 by Holland, commenting on the trip, he stated in part: “We emphasized to the Minister of Economy and Finance and other Ministers that Chile must prepare a coordinated program for combating inflation, one that has the approval of all responsible areas of the Government, and the Klein–Saks Mission should submit the program to the United States. We would then be in a position to indicate what type of aid the United States might be able to afford in coordination with such a program.” (Department of State, Central Files, 110.15–HO/12–1255) In despatch 416 from Santiago, December [Page 796] 7, “Principal Impressions Left as a Result of Holland–Waugh Visit,” the Embassy offered its analysis of the trip. (Ibid., 033.1120/12–755)