377. Editorial Note
On March 25, the OCB Working Group on NSC 5432/1 prepared a special report on Chile. The Operations Coordinating Board discussed the report at its April 6 meeting. Noting the necessity for a more positive and immediate approach to Chile, the Board instructed the Departments of State and the Treasury to prepare a report for its next meeting, scheduled for April 13. (Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 62 D 430, Chile) The requested report, entitled “Supplementary Report on Chile,” was approved by Treasury as well as the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs and the Bureau of Economic Affairs and enclosed in a memorandum from Holland to Hoover of April 11. “It presents,” Holland pointed out, “what we believe to be a constructive first step which can be taken in the near future; a more dramatic and costly program would in all likelihood defeat its own purposes.” (Ibid.) The Special Report on Chile and the Supplementary Report were both approved by the OCB at the meeting of April 13; see infra and Document 379.