315. Telegram From the Ambassador in Brazil (Dunn) to the Department of State1
467. At his request I met Kubitschek2 privately last evening only others present were Walther Moreira Salles3 and Berent Friele.4
I had a very favorable impression of his manner and self-confidence and he struck me as a man even younger than his age (54) vigorous and forthright. He stated that he was not a Communist would not permit the Communists to be active in his government and recalled that he when Deputy for Minas, had voted to deprive the Communist Party of legal status.
He regretted that certain of the press in US were giving impression he was connected with the Communists and he was concerned that such an impression might interfere with the good relations he hoped to have between Brazil and the US.
He described in general lines the determination he has to bring about a great improvement in the economic situation of Brazil during his 5 years of office. He spoke of the needs for increase in electric energy transportation and agricultural production as well as agricultural distribution. He said that for the furtherance of his economic plans the US was the only country which could be of assistance to him because of the need for large quantities of industrial and power equipment and imports necessary for increasing industrial production of Brazil.
He said that after receiving his certificate of election which he expected shortly he hoped to be able to go to US to discuss some of his economic plans with our officials and private financial circles. In the meantime however he was developing specific plans in various sectors of economy which he would like very much to present to the Embassy for consideration and if we agreed for recommendation for study in Washington. I asked him if he had given consideration to the matter of balance of payments in order to take care of a large development program and he said that he had and was studying very closely the question of increase and diversification of production for export.
I told Kubitschek that our government would be well disposed toward him in his efforts to improve the economy of Brazil as it was [Page 679] one of our earnest desires to see Brazil improve and become strong in the development of its own resources. I also said that we would be very glad to give the fullest consideration to any plans he might lay before us and he could be assured we would give them our utmost consideration.5
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 732.00/10–1955. Secret.↩
- Kubitschek won the Brazilian presidential election of October 5.↩
- An unofficial adviser to Kubitschek and former Brazilian Ambassador to the United States.↩
- Consultant to the Director of the U.S. Operations Mission (USOM) in Brazil.↩
- Telegram 489 to Rio de Janeiro, October 25, informed the Embassy that since Kubitschek wished to visit the United States prior to his inauguration it was advisable that he come on an “unofficial” visit. The telegram authorized the Embassy to convey an invitation to him to visit Washington for a 2- or 3-day visit sometime between January 2 and 9. This invitation, the Department added, was of course based on the assumption that by then Kubitschek would have received his certificate of election. (Department of State, Central Files, 732.00/10–1955)↩