165. Memorandum From the President to the Secretary of State1

Herewith is a copy of a note from the President of Panama that I should like for you to read.2

As you know, I have in the past been completely sympathetic with some of Panama’s complaints as to our methods and practices of operation in the Canal Zone.

Just what President de la Guardia had in mind when he said he had “almost despaired as to the present and future of our relations,” I do not know. I just think there is possibly here a problem with which the State Department should keep continuous and intimate touch.


P.S. Please send me a draft of a possible reply to President de la Guardia.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.19/10–1056.
  2. Dated October 4, this letter reads as follows:

    “I wish to express my deep appreciation for having a man of Mr. Nelson Rockefeller’s talents as a representative of your Government at my inauguration.

    “Even though I have always felt that there is no good reason for our two countries not to live in perfect understanding, I had almost despaired as to the present and the future of our relations when Mr. Rockefeller arrived in Panama.

    “In my opinion, his breadth of view, his grasp of our problems, his sense of fairness, his friendliness and his decency have completely changed the picture. The optimism which I expressed in my inaugural address as to the possibility of reaching a favorable solution concerning the differences of opinion which have recently arisen between our government and some officials of the United States government has, thanks to his attitude, found a justification and my despair has turned into a fresh hope. All of this makes me very appreciative of Mr. Rockefeller’s visit to Panama and I wish to thank you very sincerely for having sent him to us.”