148. Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Panama1
107. For Ambassador. Re Secto 1 repeated Panama.2 Ambassador may wish recall to Panamanians Holland’s recommendation further public statements identifying Panama with Suez dispute might well imperil U.S. public and governmental good will necessary for passage legislation implementing 1955 Treaty. This would certainly include nuisance tactics by Panamanian Ambassador London.3 By its statements already published Panamanian Government has fully protected itself against attacks by domestic opposition and nationalistic elements. Further public statements there or London would seem prejudicial best interests Panama.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–LO/8–1556. Secret; Priority. Drafted and approved by Holland.↩
- Secto 1, August 1, reads as follows: “Secretary and party arrived London 9:00 a.m. local time.” (Ibid., 396.1–LO/8–156)↩
- Roberto E. Arias.↩
- Telegram 149 from Panama City, August 16, reads as follows: “Foreign Minister assures me Panamanian Ambassador London will be instructed to refrain from ‘nuisance’ statements and activities and act only in accordance with Foreign Office directives.” (Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–LO/8–1656)↩