137. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, June 20, 19561
- Radar Sites in Panama
- Mr. Roderick, Assistant Secretary of the Army
- Mr. Bacon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army
- Mr. Holland, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs
- General Harrison, CinCarib
- Mr. Sowash, MID
Messrs. Roderick and Bacon brought General Harrison to Mr. Holland’s office today for a brief discussion of the radar sites problem, in which General Harrison stressed the importance to the military of acquiring the use of radar sites in Panama for the defense of the Canal. General Harrison stated that he had decided to delay his original timetable for the construction of these radar bases in the hope that the sites in Panama will be made available and thus avoid [Page 276] the necessity of using inferior sites within the Zone. He expressed the view that Panama is using our interest in these sites to attempt to acquire new concessions and more dollars from the United States, and he expressed the conviction that Panama’s constant goal is to encroach upon our exclusive jurisdiction in the Zone. Discussion of these subjects disclosed that the thinking of the two Departments is closely parallel.
It was agreed that it would be only prudent to retain as leverage, by postponing until the next session of the Congress, the legislation authorizing the return of lands agreed to in the 1955 Agreements with Panama. At the same time it was agreed that efforts should be redoubled to obtain passage of the labor bill and the bridge bill during the current session.
Mr. Roderick and General Harrison also spoke highly of Ambassador Harrington’s work and of the close cooperation among the top United States officials on the Isthmus.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.1913/6–2056. Confidential. Drafted by Sowash.↩