Political and military relations of the United States and Panama; impact of the Suez Canal crisis 1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. iv, pp. 1391 ff.

176. Memorandum From the Special Assistant to the President (Cutler) to the Secretary of Defense (McElroy)

Source: Eisenhower Library, Sp. Asst. for Nat. Sec. Affairs Records, Gordon Gray Chronological File. Top Secret. Copies of this memorandum were sent to Dulles, Hughes, Adams, Goodpaster, Lay, Gleason, and Boggs.

177. Memorandum From the Special Assistant to the President (Cutler) to the Special Assistant to the President (Adams)

Source: Eisenhower Library, Project Clean Up Records, Panama Canal. Top Secret.