839. Telegram 448 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

448. From Johnson.

Uneventful one hour meeting this morning. Wang opened with statement on implementation which, together with his replies during give and take, was mildest yet made. Emphasis was on 50 of 56 names given me and 21 of 103 names I had given him not having returned as well as only one prisoner having returned. Allegations of obstruction based on experiences of those having returned. During course give and take for first time made statement “to say that there is this number of Chinese in US is not same as saying they all desire return or we want them all return.”

In reply my statement on missing military personnel accordance para 2 Deptel 497, he refused enter into discussion stating I well knew their attitude that it was not in terms of reference talks. I, of course, stressed was “practical matter” between us and refusal discuss or attempt ignore problem could not solve it.

Next meeting December 12.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–1457. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution.