489. Letter from Johnson to McConaughy1
I am writing this from Prague as it looks as if my plane is going to be very late today. I do not know if I will get a chance to write to you this week end from Geneva.
[Typeset Page 758]I would hope that before the Secretary departs for his SEATO and Far Eastern trip you will raise the question and let me know what I should do to keep him informed concerning Geneva developments. I also presume that Phleger and Robertson will be accompanying him and that this may complicate the problem of instructions for a meeting or two. I would think it might be wise for me directly to repeat to them a fairly full summary of whatever meetings take place during their trip. The problem will be how I could best and most quickly reach them.
I have had almost a full week here in Prague which has been most helpful and useful and enabled me to handle the Porgy and Bess visit to the best advantage.
It later occurred to me that it may not have been clear from my messages concerning the last meeting as to why I hesitated about agreeing to the Monday meeting. However as he put the question it was clear to me that what he had in mind was a Monday meeting as a substitute for this week’s meeting and then another meeting during the week. This of course I did not want to accept or get in to an argument about and I therefore took his [Facsimile Page 2] suggestion of a Saturday meeting. I hope that I can now get us back on the regular Thursday schedule.
All the best, I remain
Sincerely yours,
- Source: Department of State, Geneva Talks Files, Lot 72D415. Confidential; Personal–Informal. Johnson signed the original “Alex.”↩