480. Telegram 1591 to Geneva1

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1591. For Johnson.

Guidance for February 9 meeting.

Refer to return of Liu Tung-ming to mainland (Hong Kong’s 114). Point out no restriction was imposed his return to Communist China and clear US carried out agreed announcement. Use information contained Hong Kong’s 112 to Geneva showing 35 Chinese arrived Hong Kong January 31 en route Communist China. Mention cumulative figure of 189 in this category since Jan. 1955.
Continue stress failure implement Agreed Announcement. Regarding our own implementation reiterate there are no restrictions on departure of any Chinese; full circulation and publicity of announcement has been made, and no report from Indian Embassy of any Chinese in US appealing to it that they prevented from leaving. Regarding prisoners, would not discuss them specifically.
With respect to renunciation of force continue along lines of your last presentation and also of our last public announcement. Point out that Communist argument really adds up to demand that US concede to Communists all points in dispute instead of leaving them subject [Typeset Page 728] for [Facsimile Page 2] discussion after renunciation of force has been agreed to. Particularly point out that Communists continue to insist that US concede that Taiwan and off-shore islands are Communist territory when fact is that US position is that they have never been Communist territory and particularly that Taiwan ceded to Japan by China was captured from Japan by forces under US orders and now lawfully administered and held by sovereign GRC.
FYI It seems evident from Wang statement that Communists are not willing to agree to an announcement that would reserve right of US self-defense in area. Whether Communists will break off talks because they now realize that US will not concede to their position, cannot be predicted but if they are determined to break on this point we cannot make concession of US rights to prevent break. However you are under no circumstances to break off talks but continue to argue our position with firmness.
If break by Communists comes you should give out statement at once that Communists have broken off talks because they cannot have their way in insisting US give up right of self-defense against armed attack in area. State we hold Communists to Agreed Announcement on prisoners and hope they will be promptly released. Remark to Wang and publicly state that further communications between Communists and US can be transmitted through Consulates in Geneva. Any further statement will come from Washington.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/2–756. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Phleger; cleared by Sebald, McConaughy, and Dulles.