476. Telegram 1454 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1454. From Johnson.

Comments on today’s meeting:

From full record of meeting Department will note I went long way, particularly in latter portions give and take, to sharpen and clarify issue on self-defense clause in renunciation force draft. I am sure there can now be no possibility of their misunderstanding our position. I did not feel I could go any further without danger of erroneously implying willingness eventually negotiate away our position with respect Taiwan. However, would appreciate any specific comments or suggestions Department may have with respect my statements this regard at today’s meeting, or what it feels I could usefully stress or minimize at next meeting.
There was no slightest indication at today’s meeting any willingness their part reformulate self-defense clause, although he gave impression he might be expected to offer reformulation. Of course, I gave no indication intent offer any such reformulation. Thus situation with respect next meeting is very tight.
Their performance at today’s meeting with respect [Facsimile Page 2] implementation was probably for purpose attempting demonstrate strength their public position to denounce September 10 agreed announcement in event talks broken off and thereby use 13 remaining Americans as additional pressure on US. I tried expose weakness their position with respect Chinese in my replies today and at next meeting building on basis I laid today can well more clearly expose foregoing tactic. Would appreciate Department’s suggestions as to any further replies I might make with respect his demand for list imprisoned Chinese, and whether there is any concrete basis for his charges concerning Chinese being required present passports to him. His statements with regard Liu Yung ming were so absurd and designed as desperate attempt build propaganda case explain his failure return, I considered useless attempt reply in further detail and indicated ridicule by ironically smiling when he made statements,
As far as overall situation is concerned Department will appreciate that it may be very difficult for me to keep talks going much if any beyond next meeting unless CHICOMS for own purposes desire [Typeset Page 708] to have talks continued for their own sake, or their present tactics are bluff. There can be no sure answer except that which will be given by the course of events.
Would also appreciate instructions as to whether in event of break if situation permits Department desires me take any initiative toward or agree to maintenance any continuing contact between Wang and myself through Consulate here.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/2–456. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution.