472. Telegram 1440 from Geneva1

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1440. From Johnson. Paragraph 3 Department telegram 1559.

Appreciate reasons against appearing accept even by implication obligation investigate names submitted by Wang in absence any showing of current desire return and current obstruction departure. Will continue make clear not accepting any such obligation.

However, believe refusal accept further lists would be inconsistent with acceptance previous lists and my stand regarding his refusal accept list 450 military personnel which we may again desire raise.

Also as matter has thus far been handled by him in meetings it is only after receiving and reading lists that I can determine exact [Typeset Page 705] allegation concerning persons named and it would be awkward then attempt return list or tear off some names from list and retain others. Believe I can effectively make point in paragraph 3 reference telegram without refusing accept lists.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/2–156. Secret; Limit Distribution.