456. Telegram 1403 from Geneva1
1403. From Johnson.
Comment on today’s meeting:
With respect renunciation force, position concerning self defense clause froze very tight at today’s meeting with only slight opening left by Wang. Their yesterday’s public statement of course also tends rigidify their position at least for time being.
Wang’s persistent relation of PRC objection on self-defense clause to its linkage with Taiwan area suggests that way to agreement might be by rephrasing and or repostioning clause. Question is who takes initiative in suggesting change.
I do not see any immediate possibility breaking this deadlock and would propose at next meeting only to carefully review and reiterate our position.
Although not explicitly confirmed at today’s meeting, I feel that they have accepted inclusion specific mention Taiwan, as well as “means” in place of “negotiations”. Much of Wang’s comments on self-defense clause were based on implicit assumption Taiwan was included in paragraph.
[Typeset Page 674]I purposely refrained from my usual tactic of initiating implementation discussion and he was quick to take initiative. In contrast to acrimonious discussion of “Life” article and [Facsimile Page 2] renunciation force, his manner and language in introducing implementation and particularly when presenting additional list of names was very mild and polite.
I also went some length in testing their desire continue meetings and it is clear they desire to do so for immediate future. However, would be rash to hazard any guess how long this may continue if no new element is introduced.
In considering future course I am continuing consider effects on remaining 13 Americans. I have no doubt if it were possible reach agreement on renunciation force statement, particularly if initiative came from US, additional releases would take place. In absence some such development or additional indirect pressure that could be applied difficult to forsee CHICOMS fully carrying out this commitment in near future. In this connection from conversations with correspondents and private individuals here am impressed with success of CHICOM smoke screen on situation of Chinese in US. Most seem impressed by CHICOM citation specific names and feel must be some fire where so much smoke. Also are confused by Liu Yung-ming case. Have found most effective rebuttal is citation fact not single representation yet received from Indians. We need get our story across better this regard, and repeat on all possible occasions.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–1956. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.↩