420. Telegram 1296 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1296. From Johnson.

In event meeting is held December 22 I find some difficulty in formulating any views on best course of action. However, following are some factors I believe should be considered in formulating tactics for next meeting and future strategy. Unless there is some new and unexpected development from CHICOM side before meeting such as release some prisoners it seems to me it would be difficult in present position to undertake any intensive discussion renunciation force. At same time further extended discussion implementation can only rake over already thoroughly plowed ground. (Incidentally situation with respect who speaks first also not clear. At this last meeting it was Wang’s “turn” but he deferred to my request open meeting.)
Though both of us have preserved some freedom of maneuver and have left some leeway for enlarging area of maneuver, we are very close to deadlock. Position I have set forth is substantially that refusing further discussion under agenda item two until at least some further CHICOM steps on implementation. CHICOM position is virtually that [Typeset Page 609] of no further releases prisoners until “relations improved” by at least resumption discussion under agenda item two.
It therefore seems to me one question we face is whether on one hand we attempt enlarge area of maneuver or respond any attempt by Wang do so, or on other hand whether we desire push them further into corner even at risk full deadlock. Full repetition my line last meeting with emphasis on their [Facsimile Page 2] failure implement will push them further into corner. On other hand it may be possible maintain and enlarge area of maneuver by putting emphasis my regret on damage atmosphere talks their public statement and impediment to confidence created by their hidden reservations on September 10 announcement.
I am inclined think that if meeting held December 22 Wang may attempt force my hand on discussion renunciation force draft in effort better establish basis for public position of charging us with “stalling”. In response I could follow either foregoing lines but believe latter line would be more productive.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–1655. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.